ORE E.M.U.T. 1935 ~ 1986
This web page is dedicated to all A.S.L.E.&F. members who have worked at Ore
E.M.U.T. depot over the years, and it features A.S.L.E.&F. members who brought the
electric trains of Ore to life.

Ore Station taken in the late 1930s
I am trying to find out the names of the A.S.L.E.F. Branch Secretaries for the Ore Branch and the
dates they served between. if you have any info please can you let me know.
W. Knight 1959 ~ 1961, R. Scott 1962 ~ 1969, L. Baldwin 1970 ~ 1972, R. Taylor 1973 ~ 1974,
D. Roberts 1975 ~
The following
minutes have been
extracted and adapted from
the Ore Branch minute books.
These minutes help to tell the
story of the working lives of
the Motormen who worked
at Ore’s E.M.U.T. shed,
and what is recorded, is the
views of the A.S.L.E.&F.
members who were in
Ore Branch Minutes 1959 – 1982
The following minutes have been extracted and adapted from the Ore Branch minute books.
Chairman Bro. W. Wright, Vice Chairman Bro. F. Beaney, Secretary W. Knight.
Committee Bros. R. Denmer, H. Carey, C. Angel, C. Wiseman & W. Wright
District Council Bro. R. Clark
Trades & Labour Council W. Knight
Quarterly Branch meeting held
At Mount Pleasant Hotel 15th March 1959
8 members present
The members stood in silence in respect to late Bros. Spencer and Cloke. The Secretary also conveyed the sympathy to
Branch from the D.C. No.4 and Trades Council who spoke well of his work at these meetings.
Minutes of last meeting
These where read to which Bro. Denyer proposed and Bro. Carey seconded to be a true record.
Correspondence read which caused discussions re Political Levy, Block Voting etc.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. H. Carey gave his report mainly on meeting in London 22/1/59. Unsatisfactory learning routes enabling refresher of routes at latter dates. After having dome discussion followed these remarks in reference to the position as a whole in the future.
District Council No.4
Bro. W. Knight next gave his report, very brief owing to time being short. He asked for a resolution to be sent to Head Office re unfairness to E.C. members employment and N.H.I. Benefit, to which proposed by Bro. R. Clark and seconded by Bro, Hall this be done. Resolution sent Re E.C. Members N.H.I. Benefits.
“In view that when E.C. Members are on duty at Head Office we find that they are not entitled to N.H.I no.1 Stamp therefore when benefit is required they are only entitled to 50%. We therefore wish you to deal with this matter as they either be allowed full stamp of insurance to cover them to give them a fair deal whilst working in that capacity. Trusting you will deal at once.”
Chairman W. Wright
V. Chair F. Beaney
Secretary W. Knight
This was duly forwarded to E.C.
Bro. R. Clarke proposed and Bro. A. Hall seconded.
That a resolution be sent to management through the Branch to L.D.C. re removal of telephone from shed to mess room, it being non direct circuit we apply for same to Brighton being situated noisy platform and being non private for use.
From 15/3/1959 proposed Bro. R. Denyer seconded by Bro. C. Wiseman
Bro. W. Knight Chairman, Bro. R. Clarke District Council Representative. Chairman A. Hall Acting
Committee Meeting 13th November 1959
Re Holiday Roster
Owing to insufficient committee report. It was suggested that the roster be closed from top and that holidays start from 18th April instead of 5th April 1960, and that L.D.C. get in touch with all motormen at the depot in reference to same for their opinions. The L.D.C Secretary agreed to this.
Present Bros. W. Knight (Branch Secretary), H. Carey
& C. Wiseman.
Branch meeting 6th December 1959
Held at Branch room
6 members present Bros. R. Clark, C. Knight, J. Gain, J. Hawker, C. Wiseman & W. Knight
Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed true record proposed by Bro. J. Gain and seconded by Bro. C. Knight. Matters arising, comments were made by Bros. J. Gain, R. Clark and W. Knight, C. Knight re L.D.C. election. Outgoing representatives thanked for their services. in coming represenatives welcomed with best wishes for woking as a team to advantage their duties.
District Council Report
Given by delegate Bro. R. Clark which was very interesting re details of wages to be given in March 1960, wearing of glasses and case of Brighton member etc. to which he was thanked for his report. New E.C. member Bro. Poole was present at District Council.
L.D.C. Report
No report, no representative present.
Resolution sent from Branch to Bro. H. Carey
Re Summer holiday rosters for to know if had done anything in the matter with management appertaining there to as members required to know what their holiday period will be to make necessary arrangements. Sent to him.
Officers for 1960
Chairman Bro. R. Clarke, Vice Chairman J. Gain, Secretary W. Knight
Committee Bros. C. Angel, H. Carey, C. Wiseman, C. Knight, J. Hawker.
L.D.C. Bros. C. Knight Secretary & J. Hawker Chairman
District Council Bro. R. Clarke, Trades & Labour Council Bro. W. Knight
Branch Secretary gave his report this concluded the meeting and he wished all seasons greetings.
Wishing for better branch attendance for ensuing years.
Branch meeting ¼ held at Branch room 13th March 1960
Commenced at 10.50 a.m. closed at 12.25 p.m.
Members present Bros. R. Clarke, C. Wiseman, J. Gain, C. Knight & W. Knight
Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed true record proposed by Bro. J. Gain and seconded by Bro. C. Wiseman
Correspondence read and various discussed arose.
L.D.C Report
Secretary’s report was very interesting on various matter re mess room, cab cleaning, holiday rotas (annual). Bro. C. Knight handed over a letter from Bro. C. Stoner, L.D.C. Secretary Brighton re their mess room conditions.
This was dealt with and support by members with one suggestion that we demand our P.N. at Lover’s Walk until suitable accomodation is found at Brighton station. Bro. C. Knight was thanked for his report.
District Council
Bro. R. Clarke report was also very interesting on various matters re E.C. member Bro.Poole report, election of D.C. Officers for ensuing year, Guilebauld Report, pressing for back pay, St. Leonards man to attend (re medical examinations, eye glass wearing (not settled), watches for drivers, 7 days notice for disciplinary cases, if not given, secretary report Head Office.
Bro. Clarke was thanked for report, this closed a very interesting meeting.
1960 ~ 61
Chairman R. Clarke
V. Chair J. Gain
Secretary W. Knight

Quarterly meeting held at Branch Room 17th June 1960
Commenced 10.40 am. Closed 12.30 p.m.
Members present Bros. R. Clarke, C. Wiseman, J. Gain, C. Knight, C. Angel & W. Knight.
Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed true record, proposed by Bro. J. Gain and seconded by Bro. C. Knight.
Correspondence read, anything arising, some discussion on various subjects.
L.D.C. Report
Various subjects were reported by him which were very interesting to members as a whole re phone in mess room, Eastbourne motormen poaching our duties, holiday rosters he was asked to post the roster he had got out and anything arising be brought at next meeting. Messroom and suggested furniture for same. Also case of violations of L.D.C. agreement he stated, he had taken matter up with roster clerk at London. Proposed by Bro. C. Angel and seconded by Bro. J. Gain. He thanked for his report.
District Council Report.
This wa also given and various subjects were discussed which was very interesting re Bro. Poole E.C. Member gave his report, Bro. Evans taking over until Bro. Hallworth retires owing to bad health, re action of Gillebauld report, Driver Marsh St Leonards Branch was made redundant but has been to Ashford for medical re examination. Pension no report due 1959 with no further business until November when new oension scheme comes in. Green uniforms, eye glasses not agreed to at present, eye sight noted and explained by delegate. Mileage, shorter working hours.
Branch agreed a resolution for A.A.D. for next year be sent to Head Office.
Point of joining Salaried Grade re getting earlier and quicker service negotiations and all benefits there from.
Secretary to get in touch with St Leonards Secretary re meeting for Bro. S. Cheal to give his report for A.A.D. 1960
Bro. Clarke was also thanked by the meeting for his able report.
Two block votes Bros. D. Pullen and Terry. This concluded a very interesting meeting.
Quarterly meeting called for 25 September 1960.
No meeting insufficient members reported discussion only by Chairman, Secretary and Bro. C. Angel.
Quarterly Meeting held at Branch room 4th December 1960
Commencing 11.00 a.m. and closed 12.40 p.m.
Members present Bros. R. Clarke, W. Knight, C. Knight, C. Wiseman, J. Hawker & D. Carley
Minutes of last meeting confirmed as true, proposed by by Bro. C. Wiseman and seconded by Bro. J. Hawker
Correspondence read matters arising Frigadare Unions strike call, to lay on table, block vote in favour of A.A.D. 1961 Bro. Williams, Feltham and Parliamentary Panel Bros. Williams and Paterson
Election of Officers for ensuing year 1961, proposed by Bro. D. Carley and seconded Bro. C. Wiseman. En –Block
L.D.C. Secretary Report
Mostly on Xmas working arrangements to which men were drawn for to put things on a fair basses for all. Agreed
District Council Report
Delegate gave his report to which was very interesting.
New pension scheme etc.
Irish Head Office to be closed.
Organiser doing his own typewriting etc (economy move) to keep there branches going etc.
Loco Journal free for January 1961, new ones going in print more advertisements etc., so should prove a better Journal.
Driver Marsh case (St Leonards), must now accept Head Office Decisson.
No.1 Crime Sheets, Sectretaries to abide by 9 & 10 agreement and see it carried out, Secrtery report same to Head Office
Loss of membership at this area due to grievance by Fireman re Gullibuald agreement and retirements etc.
Bro. J. Hawker asked if they could have a branch meeting for their shift. Agreed it will be arranged and tried at March Quarter meeting 1961.
Quarterly Meeting held at Branch room 5th March 1961
Commenced 10.40 and closed 12.40.
Member present Bros. R. Clarke, J. Hawker, C. Wiseman G. Philpot, A. Arnold, R. Scott, D. Judges, R. Chamberlain & W. Knight.
All members welcomed also Bros. R. Chamberlain & D. Judges transfer members from Slade Green & Charring Cross.
The meeting arranged for opposite shift proved worthwhile as 9 members present
Minutes of last meeting confirmed a true record, matters arising Bro. Marsh case explained by Chairman
Correspondence read, matters arising to which Bro. D. Pullen be supported for E.C. member, moved Bro. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. A. Arnold. Carried.
Moved by by Bro. G. Philpot and seconded by Bro. D. Judges. That as resolution be sent to Head office. Instead of giving up double serge jacket to be substitute for forge vest for light weight jacket every 2 year. This was carried out.
Slackness of return of sickness certificate from management to N.H.I. offices. Secretary to write to L.D.C. for them to get in touch with management. This was carried out.
District Council Report
The delegate gave his report which was very interesting, re wearing of glasses, clothing diagram workings, the new officers for ensuing year. Chairman Bro. C. Hutchings & Vice Chairman S. Cheal etc.
Mr. Poole spoke onn Regional Divisions etc. Shorter Hours, wages etc., Eye glasses to be finalized in a few days sight must be 6-9 6-2 6-9 which this will abolish. The out-door test at Feltham
Bro. Stevens case results serve reprimand, E. C. Member will be allowed to go to Signal box to see how irregularities can occur and can ask any questions appertaining to same.
All cases osf signal irregularities must be reported to Branch Secretaries at once to save any delay of informing Head Office.
This concluded the meeting.
Special meeting called for 2nd April 1961
No meeting owing L.D.C. report non attendance and insufficient member reporting
Quarterly Meeting June Held at Branch Room 25th June 1961
Commenced 10.45 and closed 1.00
Members present Bros. R. Clarke, J. Hawker, D. Judges, R. Scott & W. Knight
Correspondence Read, matters arising, several question were asked re P.T.&R.A. etc
The L.D.C. representative was asked to deal with this direct to Bro.. A. Dray, Section Council No.2 to which Bro. Hawker agreed.
Voting paper signed as agreed by Branch Bro. Pullen for E.C. and Bro. Bagihole for Labour Party Conference delegate.
District Council Report
This was given by our delegate Bro. S. Cheal’s case for A.A.D. was explained. E.C. member Bro. Poole stated our policy was shorter week and not except 7 hour day and one extra rest day a month.
Glasses may be worn date to be confirmed latter and supplied by B.T.C.
If out door test is requiredmember should apply to Branch Secretary.
New Rule book coming out shortly
Free Priv. ticket pass to be supplied January 1962 to save writing out the forms
Journal 13% increase, hoping agents press for more sale
After mileage no member to shunting etc.
Passes free on All Line Base after July 1961
It was explained to men coming on duty less than 12 hours
Re Accident Protection to which they take their own risk as this lays in hands of General Secretary only therefore no guarantee for taking chance breaking condition of service.
Brighton case of trying to come on in 9 hours for Sunday duty as Resolution was not even signd by Mr Lelew District Supt. They held a meeting and was taken to Distrcit Council to which Mr. Cleaver & Poole informed them it was wrong and out of order.
L.D.C. Report
Just a letter read re my complant 378 Duty Sunday will remain as now booked.
12 hours rest cases
two cases of 12 hours rest clause broken reported to Head Office by myself and reported to Bro. Poole by Branch Chairman.
Moved by Bro. D. Judges and seconded by Bro. R. Scott. That a reoslutoion be sent to Head office re supporting Wolverhampton.
Ashford and Dover affected by Electrification of that area.
Signal Irregularities Cannon Street, Hayes etc.
This conclude a very interesting meeting
Chairman requested another meeting for 2nd July1961
Quarterly Meeting called for 24th September 1961
No meeting held owing to member not reporting
Quarterly Meeting called for 10th December 1961 at Branch Room
Commenced 10.50 and closed 12.55
Members present Bros. R. Clarke, W. Knight, D. Judges, A. Arnold, C. Wiseman & R. Chamberlain.
Minutes read and confirmed and proposed by Bro. C. Wiseman and seconded by Bro. A. Arnold
Correspondence read, several questions asked in same re Working to Rule etc.
Bro. H. Bagihole block voting for A.A.D. proposed by Bro. Judges and seconded by Bro. Chamberlain
Bro. A. Griffiths General Secretary proposed by Bro. D. Judges and seconded by Bro. Arnold
Bro. R. Clarke handed in his resignation as Branch Chairman and District Council Delegate., was thanked by
members for his past services to the Branch
District Council Report
Given satisfactory by our delegate Bro. R. Clarke. Questions were asked to which Bro. R. Clarke explained to
Apologies were received from Bro. R. Scott and D. Carley
L.D.C. Report
No delegates present
Officers for ensuing year as set out below,
Bro. W. Knight Secretary resigning owing to retirement early 1962.
Chairman Bro. D. Judges, Vice Chairman R. Chamberlain & Secretary R. Scott
Committee Bros C. Angel, H. Carey A. Arnold & J. Hawker
District Council Bro. D. Judges Trade & Labour Bros. R. Scott & R. Chamberlain,
L.D.C. Bros J. Hawker & C. Knight.
Bro. W. Knight was thanked for his past services as Secretary as very satisfactory and wish all the best on his
retirement. The Landlord of the Mount Pleasant Hotel was thanked for his service to the Branch and wished the best
for his retirement
Bro. W. Knight thanked the members for their wishes and stated he was glad to see the Branch carry on.
This concluded the meeting.
Quarterly Meeting called for 4th March 1962 at 10.45
Commenced 11.20 and closed 12.55
Members present Bros. D. Judges, R. Clarke, J. Hawker A. Arnold & R. Scott
Minutes read and confirmed moved by Bro. R. Clarke and seconded by Bro. J. Hawker
Correspondence read and successfully debated.
District Council Report
Given fully by our delegate Bro. D. Judges, question asked and satisfactory answered by Bro. D. Judges. Vote of thanks was proposed by Bro. R. Clarke and seconded by Bro. A. Arnold.
General Secretary Ballot, branch supported Bro. A. Griffiths
Apologies Bro. W. Knight.
L.D.C. Report
Given by Bro. J. Hawker, L.D.C. spokesman. Subject Extra Rest Days successfully explained by Bro. J. Hawker.
Other Business
Proposed by Bro. D. Judges and seconded by Bro. R. Clarke. The presentation of wallet to Bro. W. Knight. £5 to be taken from Branch Funds, after purchase remainder to be presented to Bro. W. Knight’s wife for her help and co operation with her husband in the job he so ably done.
1962 ~ 65
Chairman D. Judges
Vice Chairman
R. Chamberlain
Secretary R. Scott
Quarterly Meeting called for 4th March 1962 at 10.45
Commenced 11.20 and closed 12.55
Members present Bros. D. Judges, R. Clarke, J. Hawker A. Arnold & R. Scott
Minutes read and confirmed moved by Bro. R. Clarke and seconded by Bro. J. Hawker
Correspondence read and successfully debated.
District Council Report
Given fully by our delegate Bro. D. Judges, question asked and satisfactory answered by Bro. Judges. Vote of thanks
was proposed by Bro. R. Clarke and seconded by Bro. A. Arnold.
General Secretary Ballot, branch supported Bro. A. Griffiths
Apologies Bro. W. Knight.
L.D.C. Report
Given by Bro. J. Hawker, L.D.C. spokesman. Subject Extra Rest Days successfully explained by Bro. Hawker.
Other Business
Proposed by Bro. D. Judges and seconded by Bro. R. Clarke. The presentation of wallet to Bro. W. Knight. £5 to be
taken from Branch Funds, after purchase remainder to be presented to Bro. Knight’s wife for her help and co
operation with her husband in the job he so ably done.
Quarterly Meeting September 9th September1962
Commenced 11.0 .a.m.
Members present Bros. D. Judges, C. Wiseman, R. Chamberlain, E. Spray, R. Clarke & R. Scott
Minutes read and declared a true record, proposed by Bro. R. Clarke and seconded by Bro. A. Arnold
Correspondence read and discussed thoroughly Proposed by Bro. R. Clarke and seconded Bro. E Spray.
Bro. D. Pullen be nominated for Organising Secretary Proposed Bro. A. Arnold and seconded Bro. R. Chamberlain.
Either Bro. S. Cheal or Bro. D. Pullen be nominated for 1963 A.A.D. Represenative proposed Bro. R. Clarke and
seconded by Bro. A. Arnold.
Re the wearing of glasses while on duty be posted in base
Proposed by Bro. R. Clarke and seconded Bro. A. Arnold. A letter be posted to Head Office supporting Stourbridge
and Thornton Branches concerning A.S.L.E.F. policy re the ‘Transport Bill’
Proposed Bro. A. Arnold and seconded Bro. R. Chamberlain. Pay complaint be proposed app 6 months
District Council Report
Given by Bro. D. Judges, nothing arising as report discussion was covered in correspondence and discussions.
Quarterly Meeting December 2nd December 1962
Meeting commenced 11.0 closed 12.30
Members present Bros. D. Judges, R. Chamberlain, C. Knight, S. Wiseman, J. Gain, C. Angel, E. Spray & J. Hawker
Minutes read and declared true record, proposed by Bro. S. Wisman and seconded by Bro. E spray.
Correspondence read and discussed thoroughly.
Dundee letter re British Railway Trade Union, proposed bu Bro. J. Gain and seconded by Bro. S. Wiseman. That this
branch would favour a discussion at A.A.D. on forming a ‘British Railways Trade Union’
Rest Day Working
This item was discussed and all members present gave their views. Should any case of unfair booking of extra rest
days occur the same to be brought to the notice of L.D.C. Representatives
District Council Report
This report was given by Bro. D. Judges. He also explained how the Organising Secretaries were asking all branches
to assist in altering the rules of Officers and Staff Superanuation Fund, for submitment to A.A.D. Discussion of this
case in correspondence.
Quarterly Meeting ¼ 17th March 1963
Meeting commenced 10.45 closed 12.50
Members present Bros D. Judges, A. Arnold, G. Philpot, J. Hawker, R. Taylor & R. Scott
Minutes read and declared true , proposed by Bro. A. Arnold and second Bro. J. Hawker.
Correspondence read and discussed and instructed to write to Head Office on wording of Clause 1 Appendix A of
‘Call up of reservists of regular forces.’
District Council Report
Given by Bro. D. Judges who declared his report was mostly covered in correspondence and discussion.
Other Business
Secretary quieried Bro. H. Carey’s position arranged for L.D.C. members to make inquiries of Mr. Lelew, and if no
information forthcoming, secretary to call on Bro. H. Carey.
Meeting instructed to contact Bro. D. Sargeant regarding joint meeting of St Leonards & Ore Branches while General
Secretary is in Conference at Hastings.
Bro. G. Philpot queries loss if concessions i.e. Free & Priviledge tickets. Meeting decided we could not do much
regarding this matter.
Election of E.C. Member
Proposed by Bro. R. Taylor and seconded by Bro. G. Philpot, carried. That this Branch support Bro. Collins.
Election of Assistant General Secretary
Proposed by Bro. R. Taylor, we support Bro. Buckton, not seconded. Proposed by Bro. G. Philpot and seconded by
Bro. J. Hawker. Carried. That this branch support Bro. Pinches.
Most of the meetin was given to discussion of the Redundancy, Transfer & Retirement Arrangements (P.T.&R.A.).
Quarterly June meeting 23rd June 1963
Commenced 11.0 and closed 12.30.
Members present Bros. D. Judges, R. Clarke, C. Wiseman, E. Spray, J. Hawker & R. Scott.
Minutes read and declared true record, proposed by Bro. Hawker and seconded by Bro. D. Judges.
Arising from the minutes Re Bro. H. Carey, Bro. J. Hawker L.D.C. Rep informed Branch that Bro. H. Carey is still on
commissions employment but not yet working.
Branch Fund to continue to pay Bro. H. Carey’s Society Fund and Political Fund.
Correspondence read and discussed.
Branch decided that reply to letter re reservists was not very enlightening, but as no one at Ore depot is affected
decided to await events.
Election of Assistant General Secretary
Proposed by Bro. R. Clarke and seconded by Bro. c. Wiseman. Carried. That this Branch supports Bro. Buckton
Election of E.C. Member
Proposed by Bro. R. Clarke and seconded by Bro. E. Spray. Carried. That this Branch support Bro. Renshaw.
Other Business
Bro. A. Lennard complained that clothing was not to hand i.e. Summer issue of trousers. Branch referred Bro. A.
Lennard to L.D.C. and stated if no satisfaction forthcoming then he should notify Branch Secretary.
December ¼ meeting 1963 8th December 1963
Commenced 11.0 closed 12.25
Members present Bros. D. Judges, R. Chamberlain, J. Hawker, C. Wiseman, E. Spray, A. Arnold & R. Scott.
Minutes read, fully discussed and declared true, proposed A. Aranold and seconded by Bro. J. Hawker.
A.A.D. 1964, proposed by Bro. E. Spray and seconded by Bro, A. Arnold. Carried.
That this branch support Bro. S. Cheal.
Election of two Organising Secretaries
Proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlian and seconded by Bro. J. Hawker. Bro. Pinchess.
Proposed by Bro. C. Wiseman and seconded by Bro. A. Arnold Bro. Atkinson.
Carried. That this branch support Bros. Pinchess & Atkinson
District Council Report
Branch representatiove Bro. D. Judges reported everything covered in correspondence which was read and discussed
in full.
L.D.C. Report
L.D.C. Chairman stated, Secretary had nothing to report.
Other Business
It was stated that draught cab forms received from Inspector Denton last year had not been seen since receipt. L.D.C.
Chairman agreed to look for same and place in a position of easy access.
Branch instructed Secretary to send correspondence to Sectional Coincil stating dissatisfaction regard the fit and late
arrival of clothing, also the delay in returning of clothing sent back for alteration of size. Secrtary to supply Bros. D.
Judges and R. Chamberlain with a list of Branch members who are are not members of Branch Fund.
Election of Officers
Re election en block but substitute Bro. E. Spray vice Bro. H. Carey. Proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded
by Bro. J. Hawker. Carried.
Meeting June ¼ 1964 June 21st 1964
Commenced 11.0. closed 12.15
Members present Bros. D. Judges, R. Chamberlain C. Wiseman, J. Hawker & R. Scott.
Minutes read, discussed and declared true record, proposed by Bro. J. Hawker and seconded by Bro. C. Wiseman
Correspondence read and fully discussed
Election of Organising Secretary
Proposed by Bro. R. Scott and seconded by Bro. C. Wiseman. Carried. That this Branch support Bro. Kirk
Election of E.C. Member
Proposed by Bro. J. Hawker and seconded by bro. R. Chamberlain. Carried. That this branch support Bro. Williams.
Other Business
It was decided that as Bro. Carey had been placed on the inactive list by the B.T.C., it was no longer needful for Bro.
Carey’s contributions to be paid by Branch funds. Secretary instructed to notify Head Office.
Meeting December ¼ December 6th 1964
Commenced 11.0 closed 12.35
Members present Bros. D. Judges, J. Hawker, A. Lennard, A. Wray, E. Spray & R. Scott.
Correspondence read and fully discussed. Arising, travelling by taxi. Moved by Bro. E. Spray and seconded by Bro. A.
Lennard. Carried. That Secretary correspond with Head Office for clarification on a members death compensation
whilst traveling by taxi.
Trades Union Congress Election.
Proposed by Bro. A. Lennard and seconded by Bro. A. Wray. Carried.
"That Ore Branch support Bro. Terry of Selhurst.”
National Conditions of Service Books
Proposed by Bro. J. Hawker and seconded by Bro. A. Lennard. Carried.
"That Secretary past correspondence relating to new issue of National Condition of service book in notice case, with
instructions for members wishing to purchase a copy to apply to Secretary.”
District Council Report
District Council Representative Bro. D. Judges stated everything had been covered in correspondence except
negotiations regarding sick pay, proposals were as follows. 1 yo 5 years service 6 weeks ¾ pay, 6 to 10 years service 9
weeks ¾ pay, over 10 years service 13 weeks ¾ pay.
L.D.C Report
Bro. J. Hawker, L.D.C. Chairman gave reason for loss of 1 Sunday at Ore Depot as follows .
Owing to the closure of Plumpton and Cooksbridge on Sundays, one turn was taken from three depots and given to
Seaford to bring them in line with other Depots. Economy cuts have so far been made at depots with 28 or more men.
The men with no Sunday in the area to be accommodated before any man is called upon to work an extra Sunday.
Other Business
Change of Holiday Period was fully discussed to change the period one week each year. Proposed by Bro. A. Wray
and seconded by Bro., E. Spray. Carried. Secretary instructed to send correspondence to L.D.C. Secretary.
Meeting March ¼ 1965 28th March 1965
Commenced 11.0 closed 12.40
Members present Bros. D. Judges, C. Wiseman, A. Arnold, R. Scott & A. Wray.
Correspondence read and discussed, nothing arising
District Council Report
Majority covered in correspondence, union subscription to be paid Society when sick pay expires. 109 compensation
cases were fought by Society and the sum of £17,819 acquired for members and next of kin.
L.D.C. Report
No L.D.C. rep. present.
Other Business
Branch Fund
Proposed by Bro. C. Wiseman and seconded by Bro. A. Arnold. Carried.
That next meeting be on apposite shift for further discussion.. suggested £5 retirement or Death Grant. Subs returned
to member after 3 months and from then on.
Holiday period change to be discussed at next meeting and each member to receive agreement form
See intstruction to past Head Office with enquiry re N.C.S.B. for L.D.C. Secretary.
Meeting June ¼ 1965
Commenced 11.0 close 12.55
Members present Bros. R. Chamberlain, J. Chaloner, Samson, E. Spray, A. Wray, A. Lennard, C. Knight & R. Scott.
Correspondence read and discussed nothing arising.
Branch Fund
Proposed by Bro. Chaloner and seconded by Bro. E. Spray. Carried. That members union subscription be returned
out of Branch funds for 18 weeks maximum when sick. Also £5 retirement or Death Grant.
Member of Duty sickness
L.D.C. Secretary to approach Shed Master for sickness status forms
Travelling by Taxi
Secretary to request Circular 44 re traveling by Taxi or private transport from Head office.
Extra Sundays discussed, nothing decided.
Meeting closed 12.55 p.m.
Meeting September ¼ 1965
Commenced 11.0 close 12.35
Members present Bros. R. Chamberlain, L. Baldwin, A. Lennard, D. Judges, R. Taylor & R. Scott.
Minutes read and accepted, proposed by Bro. A. Arnold and seconded by Bro. A. Lennard.
Fully discussed nothing arising. other business Proposed by Bro. R. Taylor and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain.
Resolution from Ore branch be sent to A.A.D. proposing that night duty enhanced payment commence at 6.0 p.m. ad
continue through to 6.0 a.m.
Proposed by Bro. A. Lennard and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain L.D.C. to approach Area Depot Master re the
cleaning of cabs and the disinfecting of loudaphone mouth pieces.
Meeting closed 12.35 p.m.
Meeting December ¼ 1965
Commenced 11.0 close 13.30
Members present Bros. R. Chamberlain, A. Lennard, S. Wiseman, E. Spray L. Baldwin, R. Taylor, D. Judges,
D. Hylands, J. Hawker, D. Roberts & R. Scott.
Minutes read and declared true record, Correspondence read and fully discussed.
D.C. Report, Bro. D. Judges reported D.C. Covered in correspondence
L.D.C. Report
L.D.C. Chairman Bro. J. Hawker reported that L.D.C. had pre-paired 40 hour roster wit no extra required at depot.
L.D.C. will also approach Area Depot Manager re cleaning of cabs, disinfection of loudaphone mouthpieces, and
catches inside doors on CIG & BIG stock.
Election of Officers
Returned en-block except Bro. R Chamberlain proposed by Bro. C. Wiseman and seconded by Bro. D. Roberts.
Carried unanimously that Bro. R. Taylor replace Bro. R. Chamberlain as vice Chairman.
Branch Reporter
Proposed by Bro. D. Hylands and seconded by Bro. D. Roberts carried unanimously that Bro. R. Chamberlain be
adopted as Branch Reporter to Loco Journal
Meeting closed 13.30 p.m.
Meeting March ¼ 1966
Commenced 10.30 close 12.20
Members present Bros. C. Knight, E. Spray, R. Chamberlain, F. Jenner, C. Wiseman, R. Taylor, D. Judges,
D. Hylands & R. Scott.
Minutes read and declared true record, Correspondence nil.
L.D.C. Report
L.D.C. Secretary Bro. C. Knight gave an up to the minute report on the 40 hour week roster and rest days. He also informed the Branch that 75% working of rest days had been offered by the management during the summer period.
Bro. C. Knight stated that when he approached the Shed Master on the condition of CIGs and BIGs stock, he was informed that the rules of the machine of negotiation must be applied and that any complaints must be sent to the Area Depot Master by the individual before the L.D.C. can take up the complaint. Bro. D. Judges offered to do this.
New Roster
Proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. C. Wiseman Carried a vote of thanks to Bro W. Knight for his report and his work on new roster.
Branch closed 12.20
1966 ~ 69
Chairman D. Judges
V. Chair R. Taylor
Secretary R. Scott
Meeting June ¼ 1966
Commenced 10.45 close 12.30
Members present Bros. C. Knight, D. Judges, J. Hawker, C. Wiseman, A. Arnold, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, L. Baldwin,
D. Hyland, E. Spray & R. Scott.
Minutes read and accepted as true record, Correspondence read and fully discussed.
L.D.C. Report
L.D.C. Secretary Bro. C. Knight reported on the Re-establishment of depots and informed Bro’s. present that Ore
depot is to remain the same.
Bro. W. Knight stated he would like to alter the annual leave roster for 1967, so that the Sundays would come on each
end of the period for everyone. Proposed by Bro. A. Arnold and seconded by Bro. J. Hawker. That this suggestion be
carried out. Passed unanimous.
The question of the annual leave relief man and the changing of annual leave to be discussed at next meeting.
Branch closed 12.30 p.m.
Meeting September ¼ 1966
Commenced 10.50 close 12.30
Members present Bros. C. Wiseman, J. Hawker, A. Arnold, F. Jenner, E. Spray, J. Chaloner, A. Wray, D. Judges,
R. Chamberlain & R. Scott.
Minutes read and declared true record, Correspondence read and fully discussed.
L.D.C. Report
L.D.C. gave particulars of Annual Leave Roster for 1967.
Holiday period closed in and will now run from 1st May 1967 to 2nd October 1967. 3 day extra leave will be taken
before and after leave period. Management agreed that extra leave period shall be covered by rest day men, 3 periods
of 3 men on leave and these will rotate as usual and the leave relief will cover man on the left of Annual Leave Roster.
Proposed by Bro. E. Spray and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain. Carried, vote of thanks of L.D.C. for work done re
Holiday Roster, Rest Day Working etc.
Other Business
Mutual change over of Annual Leave discussed, proposed by Bro. E. Spray and seconded by Bro. J. Challoner
That Annual Leave Relief shall cover the man actually on leave and L.D.C. to ensure that the change over is booked
on leave roster.
Extra Sundays and the L.D.C. minute concerning working after midnight Saturday night were discussed. Proposed by
Bro. F. Jenner and seconded by Bro. A. Wray, carried.
That this should be placed on the agenda for next meeting, and a meeting be held on each shift during December 1/4 1966.
Meeting closed 12.30.
Meeting December ¼ 1966, Nov. 27 1966
Commenced 10.50 close 12.45
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, J. Gain, W. White, C. Angel, E. Spray, J. Challoner, C. Knight, R. Chamberlain,
D. Judges, D. Hylands & R. Scott.
Bro. C. Wiseman Retirement
A presentation of £5 from the Branch Fund was made to Bro. S. Wiseman on his retirement.
L.D.C. minute 44
Proposed by Bro. J. Chaloner and seconded by Bro. Judges. That L.D.C. minute 44 re men working Sunday when
coming off duty a.m. on Saturday duty, be rescinded. Voting For 2, Against 8 defeated. This resolution to be voted at
the next meeting also.
Election of Officer
Proposed by Bro. J. Gain and seconded by Bro. W. White, carried. That officers be returned en-block, except Bro. D.
Hyland in place of Bro. C. Wiseman now retired.
L.D.C. nominations no L.D.C. nomination present member Bro. J. Hawker retired unopposed.
Meeting closed 12.45
Meeting December ¼ 1966 4th Dec 1966
Commenced 10.50
Members present Bros. J. Chaloner, J. Hawker, L. Baldwin, D. Roberts, Sampson, F. Jenner, A. Lennard, A. Wray,
& R. Scott.
Correspondence read and nothing arising.
L.D.C. minute 44
Proposed by Bro. J. Hawker and seconded by Bro. F. Jenner.
That L.D.C. minute 44 re men working Sunday when coming off duty A.M. Sunday after Saturday duty not be
rescinded. voting For 7 and 0 against. carried, that minute 44 stand.
Extra Sundays Alphabetical Order
Proposed by Bro. Samson and seconded by Bro. A. Wray.
That Extra Sundays be worked in alphabetical Order. The men at the top of rota will work Extra Sundays after which
their names will go to the bottom of the list any man at the top who is unable to work owing to L.D.C. minute 44 will
stay at the top of the list until Extra Sunday has been worked, when their name will be placed in the correct position
on list.
Any man declining his turn to work Extra Sunday by writing to List Clerk his name will be placed at bottom of rota.
Voting 7 for and 1 against Carried that agreed by other shift to operate from 1st Sunday in January.
3X Sunday
Proposed by Bro. Samson and seconded by Bro. A. Wray.
That a list be kept of men not working on 3X Sundays, and these men to work extra Sundays available in order in
preference to men on Alphabetical List in an endeavour to maintain 50% Sunday working. Voting 8 For and 0 against.
Carried that agreed by other Shift to operate from first Sunday in January.
Extra Sunday Rota
Proposed by Bro. F. Jenner and seconded by Bro. A. Lennard.
That L.D.C. compile a list in Alphabetical order for extra Sundays, and a list for 3X Sunday men not working, to be
posted in case, and to send the names (suggested 3) of the preference men to list clerk each week. Voting For 8 and
against 0. Carried That agreed by opposite shift shall operate from first Sunday in January.
Next meeting
Secretary instructed to call a special meeting on Sunday Dec 11th 1966 to enable other shift to vote the above
Special Meeting January 8th & 15th 1967
Commenced 11.0 close 11.55
Special Meeting called for further discussion on Extra and 3 X Sunday
Members present at these meetings Bros. D. Judges, J. Hoath, D. Roberts, J. Chaloner, Samson, A. Wray,
C. Knight, R. Taylor, A. Lennard, & R. Scott.
Proposed by Bro. J. Chaloner and seconded by Bro. J. Hoath Carried by 8 votes to 2 votes.
That minutes on extra and 3X Sunday stand.
Proposed by Bro. D. Roberts and seconded by Bro. J. Challoner Carried unanimously
That Chairman see L.D.C. re posting of Extra and 3X Sunday roots.
Meeting closed 11.55
Meeting June 18th 1967
Commenced 10.55 close 12.30
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, C. Knight, L. Baldwin, F. Jenner, Wrisburgh, Samson, R. Chamberlain, A. Stratton,
D. Judges & J. Chaloner.
Minutes read and accepted and proposed by Bro. Samson and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain Correspondence was
read nothing arising.
Bro. C. Knight reported on new roster, there was a long discussion among the members on this subject. A vote of
thanks to Bro. C. Knight for his work on the rosters was proposed by Bro. Samson and seconded by Bro. F. Jenner and
passed unanimously.
Vice Chairman Bro. R. Taylor thanked all Bros. for their attendance, meeting closed 12.30
Meeting June ¼ 25th 1967
Commenced 10.50 close 13.35
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, E. Spray, C. Knight, R. Chamberlain, Wrisburgh, D. Roberts, J. Gain, F. Jenner,
Samson, A. Wray & R. Scott
Bro. Wrisburgh informed by Seaford, Brighton & Eastbourne L.D.C.s that there would be no Rest Day working with
redundant men at depot. Branch decided Bro. Wrisburgh should write letter of protest to Head Office.
Rest Day
Proposed by Bro. Samson and seconded by Bro. E. Spray, Carried by 8 votes to 3 votes. That L.D.C. attempt to secure
same booking as other depots.
Meeting closed 13.35
Meeting September ¼ Sept. 17th 1967
Commenced 10.45 close 12.45
Members present Bros. A. Lennard, J. Hawker, A. Arnold, C. Knight, D. Roberts, R. Chamberlain, E. Spray,
J. Chaloner, D. Judges & R. Scott.
Correspondence, read and fully discussed, nothing arising.
L.D.C. Report
Reported by Bro. C. Knight who stated that the union insists on new rostered duties being inside 8 hours, and there
must be a fair allocation of wages, but this was not possible as London men received at least 10/- per week more than
other depots.
Vote of no Confidence in Union
Owing to the fact that union had allowed a large number of it’s members to suffer a reduction in wages and a cut in
work. It was proposed by Bro. C. Knight ad seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain. Carried Unanimously.
That Secretary send a vote of no confidence to Head Office, also to inform Organising Secretary
Bro, D. Pullen of this.
Annual Leave
Proposed by Bro. Challoner and seconded by Bro. J. Hawker, Carried Unanimously.
That Annual Leave rotate 5 weeks back as previously.
L.D.C. Nominations
Proposed by Bro. C. Knight and seconded by Bro. J. Chaloner Carried Unanimously. That Bro. E. Spray succeed Bro.
C. Knight as L.D.C. Secretary and to accompany Bro. C. Knight on next L.D.C. meeting vice Bro. J. Hawker.
New Roster
Branch rejected the previsionary rosters issued by management, Secretary instructed to write letter of rejection to
L.D.C. Secretary.
Vote of Thanks
Proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. D. Roberts, Carried. A vote of thanks be extended to Bro. C.
Knight retiring December 1967 for services rendered to Depot as L.D.C. Secretary etc.
Meeting closed 12.45
Meeting December ¼ Dec 3rd 1967
Commenced 10.40 close 13.10
Members present Bros. D. Judges, A. Arnold, J. Gain, F. Jenner, D. Roberts, E. Spray, Samson, A. Stratton, A. Wray,
J. Hoath, A. Lennard, J. Hawker & R. Scott
Correspondences, nothing arising
Annual Leave
Proposed by Bro. Samson and seconded by Bro. Bro. J. Gain. Carried Unanimously.
That new system proposed by Bro. E. Spray be adopted to commence 1968
L.D.C. Election
Owing to retirement of L.D.C. Secretary Bro. C. Knight, new Secretary to be elected. Proposed by Bro. A. Wray and
seconded by Bro. A. Stratton. Carried Unanimously.
That Bro. E. Spray commence as L.D.C. Secretary from December 3rd, 1967.
L.D.C. Chairman, proposed by Bro. A. Wray and seconded by Bro. Samson. Carried Unanimously.
That Bro. J. Hawker had done good works for Branch and Depot as L.D.C. Chairman for a good many years and
proposed that he should be replaced and a complete new L.D.C. commence as from December 3rd 1967.
Proposals for new Chairman
Proposed by Bro. A. Lennard and seconded by Bro. A. Arnold for Bro. F. Jenner
Proposed by Bro. R. Scott and seconded by Bro. A. Wray for Bro. D. Judges
Proposed by Bro. Samson and seconded by Bro. J. Gain for Bro. A. Wray.
Voting Bro F. Jenner 1 vote, Bro. D. Judges 8 votes, Bro. A. Wray 2 votes and abstentions 2 members.
Carried by majority vote Bro. D. Judges be new L.D.C. Chairman as from December 3rd 1967.
It was voted and carried unanimously that Bro. D. Judges be elected for 1 year when he must be re-election. Bro. E.
Srpay to act for 2 years when he must come for re-election.
Election of Officers
Proposed by Bro. A. Arnold and seconded by Bro. J. Gain. Carried unanimously, Officers be returned en block.
Meeting closed 1.10
Meeting March ¼ 21st April 1968
Commenced 10.35 close 12.40
Members present Bros. D. Judges, A. Arnold, D. Hylands, A. Lennard, R. Chamberlain, R. Taylor, D. Roberts,
A. Stratton, F. Jenner, & R. Scott
Apologies Bro. A. Wray.
Minutes read and declared true record, proposed by Bro R. Taylor and seconded by Bro. A. Lennard.
Read and fully discussed, proposed by Bro. A. Lennard and seconded by Bro. D. Hylands. Carried.
That correspondence on Pay & Efficiency negotiations be posted.
Proposed by Bro. R. Taylor and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain. Carried.
That Secretary be instructed to send correspondence to Head Quarters assuring them of full support for our Executive
in Pay & Efficiency discussion.
L.D.C. Report
Given by Bro. D. Judges, covered a wide range of subjects including future Electrification of Tunbridge Branch, Ore
depot being closed and transferred to Marina, no comment from management side. Summer Duties were in order.
Cover Turn, Suggested by Bro. R. Chamberlain that it was out of order for Cover Man to be rostered to leave depot,
but it was decided there was no case as there is no cover man on Eastern side.
New Rosters
Two new rosters were offered for scrutiny by Bros. E. Spray and D. Judges. Voted
Proposed by Bro. D. Hylands and seconded by Bro. A. Stratton, 3 votes for Bro. E. Spray
Proposed by Bro. A. Lennard and seconded by Bro. A. Arnold, 6 votes for Bro. D. Judges
Carried by 3 votes that Bro. D. Judges roster be put in operation.
A vote of thanks to be recorded to L.D.C. for the time and work they had put into these rosters.
Meeting closed 12.40
Meeting June ¼ 23rd June 1968
Commenced 10.35 close 12.25
Members present Bros. D. Judges, A. Wray, F. Jenner, L. Balwin, A. Lennard, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, E. Spray,
C. Angel & R. Scott
Minutes read and fully discussed, nothing arising proposed by Bro Taylor and seconded by Bro. Lennard, True record.
Pay & Efficiency
The Pay and Efficiency correspondence to hand was fully discussed, Bro. A. Lennard proposed.
That Secretary be instructed to request further details from Head Quarters.
Branch agreed it was no writing to Head Quarters as information would be sent out by Head Quarters when it was
available. Discussion postponed until further correspondence was to hand.
Election for three members to Parliamentary Panel
Proposed by Bro. R. Taylor and seconded by Bro. E. Spray - Bro. Hancock.
Proposed by Bro. R. Scott and seconded by Bro. A. Arnold - Bro. Pinches.
Carried unanimously, Branch vote only for Bros. Pinches and Hancock.
Progressive Productivity Committee
At meeting held 6th May 1968, it was suggested that a committee be formed to boost mileage on Central Division, as
on the S.W. division.
Bro. Bastion of Crystal Palace disagreed strongly and Brighton representative, claimed that this was managements
The management withdrew for representative discussion in which Bro. W. Eames, London Bridge, recommended that
the committee be thrown out and that the representation try for a pay and productivity scheme be sought for Southern
Region only.
A Committee was set up to try to improve mileage.
L.D.C. Co Opted Member
It was stated by L.D.C. representative that it would be an advantage to have a standby Representative to stand in
when one of the L.D.C. Reps. could not attend meetings. Proposed by Bro. A. Lennard and seconded by Bro. D.
Roberts, Carried unanimously. That Bro. J. Gain be Co-opted member.
Allocated Rest Days.
Roster Clerk requested a roster allocation for 50% rest Days, this was forwarded by Bro. D. Judges and accepted by
Roster Clerk.
List Clerk stated he would endeavour to make up lost rest days leave and Bank holidays.
Meeting closed 12.25.
Meeting September ¼ 22nd Sept. 1968
No meeting
Members present Bros. E. Spray, J. Gain, R. Scott & Samson
Meeting December ¼ 12th January 1969
Commenced 10.50 close 12.20
Members present Bros. E. Spray, A. Lennard, A. Arnold, Samson, D. Roberts, A. Stratton & D. Judges
All correspondence was read and fully discussed.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. Spray reported on Rest Day working and various meetings held with the management, also the special meetings
with Mr Harrison, Divisional Manager.
It was requested by Bros. present, that Bro. E. Spray contact the Area Station Manager regarding the cleaning of the
drivers lobby and Ore Shed.
It was also requested that Bro. E. Spray advise the Area Depot Master of the draughts in the driving cabs of some
Proposed Bro. Samson and seconded by Bro. A. Lennard. Boxing Day booking kept separate for rostering purposes
and that men retiring during the following year be rostered normally.
The Chairman thanked all Bros. for their attendance.
Meeting closed 12.20

Meeting March ¼ 20th April 1969
Commenced 10.40 close 12.05
Members present Bros. E. Spray, S. Tingley, Samson, D. Roberts, J. Gain, A. Lennard, A. Arnold, R. Chamberlain,
F. Jenner, L .Baldwin & R. Scott
Minutes read and declared true record.
Correspondence read and fully discussed and nothing arising.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. E. Spay gave an up to date report on the closure of the depot, but unfortunately this was not very enlightening.
Proposed by Bro. Samson and seconded by Bro. J. Gain. Secretary write to Head Quarters for information on the
closure of Ore Depot.
Bro. E. Spray then dealt with new summer rosters.
A Welcome was extended to Bro. S. Tingley on behalf of the Branch.
Meeting closed 12.05
Meeting June ¼ 7th July 1969
Insuficient attendance, no meeting
Meeting September ¼ 19th Oct 1969
Commenced 10.35 close 12.55
Members present Bros. A. Lennard, A. Arnold, D. Roberts, E. Spray, F. Jenner, & F. Scott
Correspondence read and nothing arising
L.D.C. Report
Given by Bro. E. Spray arising Annual Leave Rostering.
Bro. F. Jenner stated members changing Annual Leave period to avoid loosing mileage duties, this was discussed and
it was suggested that holidays should not be changes within 2 months of earliest leave period, not voted, as it was
arranged that feelings of absent members should be inquired into, carried over next meeting.
District Council
Owing to the resignation of Bro. D. Judges as District Council member, it was agreed Secretary approach Bro. S.
Tingley. Proposed by Bro. A. Lennard and seconded by Bro.A. Arnold. Carried Unanimously.
Bro. D. Judges also resigned as L.D.C. Chairman an it was carried unanimously. That Bro. S. Tingley be approach to
fill in until January 1st 1970.
Bro. D. Judges gave notice of resigning Branch Chairmanship at the end of 1969.
Bro. E. Spray also gave notice that he would not seek re-election as L.D.C. Secretary.
No L.D.C. nominations were made, members present stated member not present should be approached.
Meeting closed 12.55
Special Meeting 9th November 1969
Members present Bros. E. Spray, R. Chamberlain, R. Taylor, S. Tingley, A. Stratton, & D. Judges
A letter from Bro r. Scott tendering his resignation read and discussed.
Proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. Chamberlain.
That any changeovers to 1 weeks Annual Leave must be applied for at least 8 weeks prior to changeover, if applied for
in less than 8 weeks the AL/S Relief man is entitled to that turn of duty. Carried Unanimously.
Proposed by Bro. R. Taylor and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley.
That Bro. L. Baldwin be approached to accept Secretaryship of Ore Branch. Carried unanimously.
Sectional Council Elections
Proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. R. Taylor. Bros. W. Eames and B. Noakes be supported by this
L.D.C. Report
Bro. E. Spray explained the meeting the L.D.C. attended at Essex House on the B.R.B. Statement of Intent. Though
there was lengthy discussion on Ore depot, there was still no decision been made as to it’s future. A further meeting on
this subject to be arranged also a meeting with St Leonards L.D.C. and Sectional Council.
A vote of thanks was given by the branch to Bro. E. Spray for his report and as this Brother was given up the
Secretaryship of the L.D.C. and further vote of thanks for his stalwart work in this office.
District Council Report.
Bro. S. Tingley gave a very good and full report on his first visit as delegate to District Council. He explained to the
branch the payments etc on the men eligible to join the Superannuation Scheme, also on subjects brought to District
Council by the E.C. member Bro. W. Williams and District Organiser Bro. D. Pullen. A vote of thanks was given to
Bro. S. Tingley on an excellent report.
Further discussion tok place on the contents of Bro. R. Scott’s resignation and the contents of his letter. In the letter
Bro. Ron expressed his dissatisfaction with the attendance to Branch meetings and the failure of decisions being made
at the meetings. The Brothers present agreed and decided that decisions must be made and Brothers who fail to attend
when available must accept the decisions of the Branch.
Branch Committee to be elected next meeting.
All business being dealt with the Branch closed at 13.00 hours.
Officers Elected
Branch Chairman Bro. R. Taylor, Branch Secretary Bro. L. Baldwin, L.D.C. Chairman E. Spray, L.D.C. Secretary
Bro. S. Tingley & District Council Representative Bro. S. Tingley.
Special Meeting December ¼ 14th Dec. 1969
Commenced 10.45 close 12.50
Members present Bros. L. Baldwin, D. Judges, R. Chamberlin, S. Tingley, A. Stratton, D. Roberts, & R. Scott
Minutes read and discussed and arising
Proposed by Bro. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. Baldwin, Carried. That the 8 week prior period for 1 week
Annual Leave be extended to cover the 2 week Annual Leave period also. Any changeover of Annual Leave whether 1
week or 2 week period done after 8 weeks of first period, A.L.S. man to cover the man who was originally booked.
L.D.C. Report.
A good lengthy report was given by Bro. S. Tingley, especially regarding the closure of Ore Depot, including points
put forward by L.D.C. in favour of Depot remaining open.
A vote of thanks was given to L.D.C. representatives for good work done in this respect.
Election of Officers (further to previous meeting)
Branch Vice Chairman Bro. D. Roberts
Committee en block except Bro. A. Stratton to replace ex Bro. C. Angel retired.
Signatories Branch Fund Bros. L. Baldwin, R. Chamberlin & Roberts.
Delegate to A.A.D.
Proposed by Bro. A. Stratton and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley, Carried unanimously.
That Branch supports Bro. B. Noakes.
Delegate to Trades Union Congress
Proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain, Carried unanimously. Branch support Bro. Davis
Other Business
L.D.C. Secretary instructed to complain to management re signals at Pevensey also condition of platform by
telephone on Warrior Square down intermediate signal
Meeting closed 12.50
Special Meeting 24th January 1970
Commenced 10.35
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, A. Wray, D. Roberts, E. Spray, W. White, & L. Baldwin
Minutes read and discussed
L.D.C. Report
Signals at Pevensey
Shed Master at Brighton reports that this is in hand, but has not been carried out at the time of this meeting.
Warrior Square down telephone, no sign of movement of rubbish in front of the above mention
Nomination to Executive Committee
Proposed by Bro. R. Taylor and seconded by Bro. A. Wray.
That the Branch should support Bro. W. Williams. Carried unanimously.
Nomination of Delegate to the Trades Union Congress.
Proposed by Bro. R. Taylor and seconded by Bro. L. Baldwin.
That the Branch should support Bro. Bagihole of Feltham Electric. Carried unanimously.
Joint L.D.C.s Committee meeting
This was discussed very fully and it was agreed that we should wait for replies to the letter from the Branch Secretary when it could be votes on as to whether our members should attend, but the Branch was in favour of it.
10% Pay Rise
Proposed by Bro. R. Taylor and seconded by Bro. W. White.
That the Secretary should write to Head Office as regard to how far negotiations have gone in this matter.
Carried unanimously.
1970 ~ 72
Chairman R. Taylor
V. Chair D. Roberts
Secretary L. Baldwin
At the Ore Branch meeting on December 14th Bro Scott (for domestic reasons) and Bro Judges (who has furthered his
career) stood down from holding the positions of Secretary and Chairman.
We wish to thank them both very much for all their work in the past.
We had a very lively discussion on the future of the depot with a L.D.C. report from Bro. Tingley.
L.G. Baldwin
Special Meeting 22nd February 1970
Commenced 10.35 close 12.05
Members present Bros. W. White, A. Lennard, A. Arnold, F. Jenner, R. Wray, S. Tingley, J. Gain, A. Stratton, J. Mould L. Baldwin, & D. Roberts
Minutes of last meeting read and discussed
L.D.C.s Committee meeting all letters of reply read by all members present and it was proposed by Bro. J. Gain and
seconded by Bro. A. Arnold.
That all Branches concerned should be invited to said meeting.
L.D.C. Report from Bro. S. Tingley L.D.C. Secretary. A full report on the labour dispute were discussed.
Circular from Selhurst Branch
Resolution from above.
The sum of £35 per week basic wage for driver to be used and negotiated for during the forthcoming we talks.
It was proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. A. Arnold.
That this resolution should be supported. Carried unanimously.
It was then proposed by Bro. J. Gain and seconded by Bro. Jenner.
That Sunday should be included in the 5 day week.
This was also carried unanimously.
Proposal of Resolution by Bro. R. Scott.
I would like to propose for the debate of this Branch that a resolution be put forward to the Society.
That owing to the unfortunate death of our General Secretary a new Secretary be elected by the members of the
Society and that there after a re-election take place every 5 years.
I would also propose that an Industrial Lawyer be employed by the said Society to carry out negotiations of major
proportion on behalf of all members of the Society.
Seconded by Bro. S. Tingley and carried unanimously
Meeting closed at 12.05
Special Meeting 1st March 1970
Commenced 10.30 close 12.00
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, F. Jenner, W. White, D. Hylands S. Tingley, E. Spray, D. Roberts & L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting read and discussed.
The following circulars were read and discussed
Election of General Secretary, Rates of pay.
Pay & Efficiency Stage 2 Circulars
Short passenger mileage bonus scheme 40 minutes per turn of duty in addition to present mileage up to 124 miles with
effect from 16th March 1970.
Compulsory Trade Union membership. All ’non’ members must join a trade union by 31st March 1970. The one ‘non’
member is to be informed by the Branch Chairman of his position at on early date.
Annual Leave
¼ Meeting held 10th May 1970
Commenced 10.45 close 12.35
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, D. Judges, S. Tingley, R. Chamberlain, E. Spray, A. Stratton & L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting were read and discussed.
It was proposed from arising from Industrial Diseases that the Secretary should write to Head Quarters informing
them of his diseases.
It was proposed by Bro. D. Judges and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain.
That Bro. R. Buckton supported for the post of General Secretary.
It was proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. Taylor.
That Bro. S. Tinsley be supported to represent us at the Labour Conference Area 5.
L.D.C. Report
Mileage was discussed and it was decided to support our L.D.C. and also thank them for their effort on our behalf in
this matter.
Ore Closure was discussed
It was proposed that Bro. S. Tingley L.D.C. Secretary should follow this matter up.
¼ Meeting held 19th July 1970
Commenced 10.45 close 12.35
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, A. Arnold, F. Jenner, S. Tingley, A. Wray & L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting were read, discussed and found to be correct.
All circular read and discussed
Rest Day Working to discontinue 26th September 1970
This was excepted in principal provided that 8.30 mins rosters were introduced on Southern Region to revert back to 8
hour rosters.
L.D.C. Report from Bro S. Tingley L.D.C. Secretary for Ore.
It was agreed to work 8 1/2 mins rosters but to revert back to 8 hours should redundancies occur. This to be pursed
but our L.D.C.
L.D.C. report they have asked for payslips to be in more details
Closure of Ore
As meeting is to be arranged between management, Sectional Council and L.D.C. Ore, with the view to stay open due
to Mr Pattason’s visit to the depot.
Report from Bro. R. Taylor on E.C. meeting
We have a full report on all matters discussed and with to thank our Brother for his time in bringing us this report.
Branch Fund
It was brought to the notice of the Branch by the Branch Secretary. That the Branch Funs of 1 old penny per member
per week was not really sufficient to keep the Fund in a healthy state. It was proposed by Bro. F. Jenner and seconded
by Bro. R. Taylor. That from 1st January 1971, that this should be increased to 1 new penny + to 2.40 old pennies
It was also proposed Bro. R. Taylor and seconded by Bro. L. Baldwin that the fund should be used to pay the areas of
Bros. attending joint L.D.C. meeting at Brighton.
¼ Meeting held 11th October 1970
Commenced 10.30 close 12.30
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, E. Spray & L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting were read, discussed and found to be correct.
Election of Assistant General Secretary, proposed by Bro. Taylor and seconded by Bro. Tingley That Bro. D.K. Pullen
of Selhurst should have the clock vote and support of our Branch.
The International Transport Federation Triennial Courses, July 1971, Southern Area. Proposed by Bro. S. Tingley
and seconded by Bro. R. Taylor.
That Bro. Elton of Bournemouth should have the support of our Branch. Carried unanimously
Annual Assembly of Delegates 1971. Proposed by Bro. L. Baldwin and by Bro. R. Chamberlain.
That Bro. R. Taylor, Branch Chairman should be nominated and supported as the delegate to the A.A.D. 1971.
Bro. E. Spray, Chairman of L.D.C. informed the Branch that he wished to stand down from his position . The Branch
decided to have a further meeting to discuss nominations of members wishing to take up Bro E. Spray’s position on
the L.D.C.
The Branch wish to thank Bro. E. Spray for all his work, time and effort in the past three years as Chairman of the
Urgent Meeting held 8th November 1970
Commenced 10.30 close 12.20
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, A. Wray, R. Chamberlain, D. Roberts, S. Tingley, E. Spray & L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting were read, discussed and found to be correct.
Correspondence was read and discussed.
Election of Officers for 1971.
Branch Chairman Bro. R. Taylor, Assistant Branch Chairman Bro. D. Roberts, Branch Secretary L. Baldwin.
L.D.C. Chairman Bro. R. Chamberlin, L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Tingley. L.D.C. Stand in Bro. D. Roberts
District Council Bro. S. Tingley
Committee for 1971
Bros R. Taylor, L. Baldwin, D. Roberts, R. Scott, S. Tingley, E. Spray & R. Chamberlin.
L.D.C. Report
Rest Day working, proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlin and seconded by Bro. D. Roberts. Rest Days should be work on a
volunteers bases until 1st May or until a national Agreement has been concluded to Rest Day working.
Letter from the Branch
A letter laying out this discontent of the Branch on Rest Day working establishment and redundancy arrangement was
sent to Arkwright Road and to D. Dickinson, we are hoping for an early reply.
Work content at the Depot
It was discussed at the meeting that the work content at the depot could be raised and the L.D.C. would put all their
efforts to this end.
Meeting closed 12.20
Meeting held 19th March 1971
Commenced 10.50 close 12.30
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, A. Wray, S. Tingley, E. Spray, A. Stratton & L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting were read, discussed and found to be correct.
Correspondence was read and discussed.
P.T.R. & Closure if Depot
Two replies from letters written on the above were read and discussed.
Election of Assistant General Secretary
It was proposed by Bro. E. Spray and seconded by Bro. R. Taylor.
That the Branch should vote for Bro. D. Pullen. Carried Unanimously.
L.D.C. Report
A report on working to stat on 4th May 1971 was given by the L.D.C. from Bro. S. Tingley. These were fully discussed
and agreed prove.
Meeting closed 12.30
Meeting held 18th July 1971
Commenced 10.50 close 12.20
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, F. Jenner, A. Stratton, E. Spray & L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting were read, discussed and found to be correct.
A letter from Ore L.D.C.’s Secretary Bro. S. Tingley was written to District Council on the cost of the closure of Ore
and the accommodation of units at West Marina. Requesting a meeting with District Council and management S.W.
division on same.
To follow up this letter Bro. S. Tingley and Bro. R. Chamberlin, visited the Borough’s surveyors office and Hastings
museum to study maps regarding Ore Shed as evidence for this meeting.
Winter Working
Proposed by Bro. A. Stratton and seconded by Bro. E. Spray.
That the L.D.C. should maintain and improve work content at the depot as far as is possible.
It was pointed out that with new lighting at stations some signals have or will become difficult to see after sunset also
other were obscured from view by an assortment of other things also turning of signals would make the timing of
trains more difficult.
The L.D.C. was directed to point out all of these things to superiors to ratified as soon as possible.
A.A.D. report
We had a full report from Bro. R. Taylor of a meeting at Eastbourne were Bro. W. Hutchings our A.A.D.
representative was present.
Meeting closed 12.20
¼ Meeting held 12th December 1971
Commenced 10.45 close 12.40
Members present Bros. D. Roberts, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, H. Jenner & L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting were read, discussed.
Election of organising Secretary
Proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlin and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley.
That Bro. MacClever should have our full support. Carried unanimously.
Election of Officers for 1972.
No nominations and no resignations. All Officers for 1971 elected to serve for 1972 as follows.
Branch Chairman Bro R. Taylor, Vice Chairman Bro. D. Roberts, Branch Secretary L. Baldwin.
L.D.C. Chairman Bro. R. Chamberlin, L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Tingley, L.D.C. Stand in Bro. D. Roberts.
District Council Representative Bro. S. Tingley.
Committee for 1972
Bros. R. Taylor, L. Baldwin, D. Roberts, R. Scott, S. Tingley, E. Spray & R. Chamberlain.
Sunday 26th December 1971
Proposed by Bro. L. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. F. Jenner.
That the Branch should send a letter to the Area Depot manager, putting to him the following resolution.
“The men at Ore would be prepared to work the turns of duty provided that the men booked off duty that were rostered
to work would be paid 8 hours pay. If not conceded then no men at the depot would be prepared to work at all on this
Meeting closed 12.40
5BEL NO. 3053 seen at Ore on a R.C.T.S. on Saturday 1st March 1972.
After making the shunt at Ore the train departed to Eastbourne, Newhaven Harbour, Brighton & London Victoria
Sir, - I have before me a circular from the Divisional Division S.R., outlining the achievements of the past year, and no
reflection his words are true.
We as part of the rank and file have tried in our own way to keep our industry well and truly on its feet. The D.M. goes
on to tell us that every railwaymen can help to do this again in 1972.
Nevertheless one is apt to wonder at times whether or not these people are inclined to take us too much for granted.
Sunday, December 26, 1971, was a typical example. Reputable industries outside no doubt paid out substantial
amounts in bonus payments to their employees for services rendered over the past year. We on the other hand were
deprived of a day’s pay at the flat rate and told that our services were not required. If this was Management’s way of
showing appreciation of our achievements during 1971, then prospects for the seem bleak.
I would strongly urge all Branches throughout the coming year to give every assistance possible to their E.C. to go
forward without reserve into fight for Consolidation and substantial increases in wages for our members.
L.D.C. Sec.,
Ore E.M.U.T. Depot S.R.
¼ Meeting held 26th March 1972
Commenced 10.30 close 12.55
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, F. Jenner, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, E. Spray, A. Stratton & A. Thompson.
Minutes of last meeting were read, discussed and found a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
It was proposed by Bro. E. Spray ad seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlin. That Branch support Bro. W. Eames for
Sectional Council Representative. This was carried unanimously.
L.D.C. Report
Resolution on Brighton West Coast serviced discussed at great length, but was found to be unworkable and was
defeated unanimously. However, we fully support Sectional Council’s efforts in co-operating with all organisations to
avoid why further deterioration of train services.
A resolution was passed that each Branch donates 5p per member from Brach Funds, for the official finance Fund.
It was proposed that the Branch enquire into the facts governing the amount of income tax relief allowance to
A.S.L.E.F. members under the fixed allowance agreement. It is understood that driver at Brighton depot are getting £9
and £10 under this heading, while drivers at Ore are only getting £5 allowed.
Meeting closed 12.35
¼ Meeting held 18th June 1972
Commenced 10.30 close 12.00
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, E. Spray, A. Thompson & L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting were read, discussed and found to be correct.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
It was proposed by Bro. L. Baldwin and seconded. That a letter of thanks for our late pay rise should be sent to Head
The Branch Secretary was instructed to arrange a meeting through to Eastbourne Branch Secretary for informal talk
on the late A.A.D. with the Representative present.
L.D.C. Report
Periscopes on trains now to be taken up by District Council.
Signals, lighting, cleaning of trains at depot and other things were to brought to the notice of A.D.M. again.
The L.D.C. was instructed to try to have the repair book replaced at the depot for driver uses.
Meeting closed at 12.00
¼ Meeting October 1972
Not held
¼ Meeting December 1972
Commenced 10.40 close 13.00
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, D. Roberts, A. Stratton & L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting were read, discussed and found to be correct.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
L.D.C. Report
We were given a full report on the service to run in the summer. We were told there would be more trains and we hope
this will improve our position.
Branch Secretary
Said it would not be available for office in 1973.
Meeting closed 13.00.
A.G.M. 14th January 1973
Commenced 10.45 close 12.30
Members present Bros. L. Baldwin, R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, & E. Spray.
Minutes of last meeting were read, discussed and found to be correct.
Correspondence was read and discussed
Election of Officers
Branch Chairman Bro. L. Baldwin, Assistant Chairman Bro. D. Roberts, Branch Secretary Bro. R. Taylor.
L.D.C Chairman Bro. R. Chamberlin, L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Tingley, Standin Bro. D. Roberts.
District Council Representative Bro. S. Tingley
Committee for 1973
Bros. L. Baldwin, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, S. Tingley, R. Chamberlin, E. Spray & A. Thompson.
Proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. R. Taylor.
A vote of thanks to L. Baldwin for service over the last three years as Branch Secretary.
L.D.C. Report
A letter of complaint from the L.D.C. on Controllers on medical grounds was sent to B.R.B.
Complaints have been sent to M.P., inspector and the position is being looked into, 6.30 Ore to Victoria.
L.D.C. had a meeting to discuss the matter.
One Day at London Bridge
It was agreed to work Rest Day for the purpose of going on this course. Train meetings being looked into by L.D.C.
Meeting closed 12.30
Chairman L. Baldwin
V. Chair D. Roberts
Secretary R. Taylor
¼ Meeting March 18th 1973
Commenced 10.45 close 12.45
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, F. Jenner. A. Thompson, J, Newett, J. Hawker
& L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
The Branch agreed to support Bro. D. Fullick of Waterloo as proposed candidate to Executive Committee.
L.D.C. Report
There was discussions on the lobby heating, on the 10.14 Brighton to Eastbourne in the Summer service, on set turns
was fully discussed, and Driver J. Hawker agreed to acept, this turn as follows.
473 Duty 7.22 Ore to London Bridge, empties to New Cross Gate, pass home (Tuesday - Friday). Saturday 7.28 Ore to
Victoria, 10.00 Victoria to Brighton, 12.44 Brighton to Ore.
This turn was accepted by Bro. J. Hawker on condition that the position can be reviewed at any time.
Meeting closed 12.45.
Special Meeting April 29th 1973
Commenced 10.30 close 11.30
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, P. Hawkins. R. Scott, D. Roberts, F. Jenner & A. Thompson.
This meeting was called by Bros. R. Chamberlin and S. Tingley.
This meeting was called to discuss the May Day Strike. A vote was taken and there was a unanimous decision to
adhere to Ore Branch’s original decision not to support the May Day Strike a letter was sent to Head Quarters
advising them that members were not in favour of this strike, as they felt it was of a Political, not on Industrial nature.
Meeting closed 11.30
¼ Meeting May 20th 1973
Commenced 10.30 close 12.30
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, F. Jenner, D. Roberts, R. Taylor & L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
A vote was taken for the E.C. member and the branch agreed to support Bro. D. Fullick.
The branch vote was given to Bro. R. Dickinson for the 1973 Labour Party Conference.
L.D.C. report was given by Bro. S. Tingley. On of the points raised was the heating of the driver’s lobby.
Meeting closed 12.30
¼ Meeting September 23rd 1973
Commenced 10.30 close 12.20
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, A. Stratton, E. Spray, D. Hylands & L. Baldwin.
The meeting opened with presentation of long service to Bros. R. Chamberlain, D. Hylands & L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.
Bro. R. Taylor was nominated as A.A.D. delegated for 1974. Proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlin and Seconded by A.
Stratton. Voted unanimously.
It was decided to sen a subscription of £2 to Transport 2000.
A long discussion was held on the new pay structure proposals, and member decided to forward a resolution to Head
Office applauding the present wage structure proposals and pressing for an early settlement of some.
L.D.C. Report, was given by Bro. S. Tingley, he confirmed that after discussion with the management, the 08.44 ex
Brighton to Hastings is now extended through to Ore. The 21.48 ex Victoria will now stop at Pevensey & Westham.
Bro. S. Tingley had had further correspondence regarding the knob on the driver’s control handle. This matter is still
being dealt with.
District Council Report.
Bro. S. Tingley reported that owing to an unnecessarily long discussion on the May Day strike, many urgent matters
were not discussed.
Meeting closed 12.20
¼ Meeting December 2nd 1973
Commenced 10.30 close 12.30
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, F. Jenner. D. Roberts & E. Spray.
Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
Election of Officers
Branch Chairman Bro. D. Roberts, Branch Vice Chairman Bro. F. Jenner, Secretary Bro. R. Taylor.
L.D.C. Chairman Bro. R. Chamberlain, L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Tingley & Standing Bro. D. Roberts.
District Council Representative Bro. S. Tingley.
Committee for 1974
Bros. D. Roberts, L. Baldwin, R. Taylor, S. Tingley, R. Chamberlain E. Spray & A. Thompson.
A vote of thanks was proposed by Bro. F. Jenner and seconded by Bro. E. Spray. To the Branch Officers for their past
year’s work.
The vote for the Election of three members to the Society’s Parliamentary Panel was as follows
Bro G. Andrews Norwood Junction, Bro. R. Dickinson Ramsgate & Bro. R. Nettleton Healey Mills.
The vote for the election of one delegate to the Trades Union Congress 1974 was as follows
Bro. A. W. Walkiden Maidstone.
The vote for the election of group representative to the Annual Assembly of Delegates, 1974 was as follows
Bro. R. Taylor Ore.
L.D.C. Report was given by Bro. Tingley.
After further discussions, the 08.44 ex Brighton will not now be extended through to Ore until May 1974. Bro. Tingley is still negotiating with the management with a view to an earlier date for the extension. He had also discussed discussed connecting train to Hastings, also 465 Sunday duty and lobbies.
District Council Report was given by Bro. S. Tingley.
A brief discussion was held on the Ashford line and a possible connection with the Channel Tunnel.
Meeting closed 12.30
Chairman D. Roberts
V. Chair F. Jenner
Secretary R. Taylor
¼ Meeting March 3rd 1974
Commenced 10.30 close 12.30
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, F. Jenner. D. Roberts & E. Spray.
Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
Election of Officers
Branch Chairman Bro. D. Roberts, Branch Vice Chairman Bro. F. Jenner, Secretary Bro. R. Taylor.
L.D.C. Chairman Bro. R. Chamberlain, L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Tingley & Standing Bro. D. Roberts.
District Council Representative Bro. S. Tingley.
Committee for 1974
Bros. D. Roberts, L. Baldwin, R. Taylor, S. Tingley, R. Chamberlain E. Spray & A. Thompson.
A vote of thanks was proposed by Bro. F. Jenner and seconded by Bro. E. Spray. To the Branch Officers for their past
year’s work.
The vote for the Election of three members to the Society’s Parliamentary Panel was as follows
Bro G. Andrews Norwood Junction, Bro. R. Dickinson Ramsgate & Bro. R. Nettleton Healey Mills.
The vote for the election of one delegate to the Trades Union Congress 1974 was as follows
Bro. A. W. Walkiden Maidstone.
The vote for the election of group representative to the Annual Assembly of Delegates, 1974 was as follows
Bro. R. Taylor Ore.
L.D.C. Report was given by Bro. Tingley. After further discussions, the 08.44 ex Brighton will not now be extended
through to Ore until May 1974. Bro. Tingley is still negotiating with the management with a view to an earlier date for
the extension. He had also discussed discussed connecting train to Hastings, also 465 Sunday duty and lobbies.
District Council Report was given by Bro. Tingley. A brief discussion was held on the Ashford line and a possible
connection with the Channel Tunnel.
Meeting closed 12.30
¼ Meeting January 13th 1974
Commenced 10.30 close 12.30
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, D. Roberts, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, F. Jenner. A. Thompson, & E. Spray.
Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
L.D.C. report was given by Bro. Tingley. He reported on his last meeting at Brighton regarding alterations to
Driver’s Lobby. He also reported on the company’s reply to his correspondence regarding the 08.44 ex Brighton to
Ore and the 09.26 Ore to Hastings connection train.
Members fully discussed the present dispute, and the situation arising from three Ore men being sent home for
refusing to work other depot’s duties. It was decided to send a resolution to Head Office deploring management’s
attitude toward Circular 149/1973.
Meeting closed 12.30.
¼ Meeting March 24th 1974
Commenced 10.15 close 12.15
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, F. Jenner. A. Thompson, D, King, E. Spray
& D. Roberts.
Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed. Branch decided to support Bro. Kennedy for the Labour Party
Conference 1974.
L.D.C. Report was given by Bro. S. Tingley. The case of the three Ore men sent home during the last dispute had
been further discussed, and it had been decided to forward their claims to Sectional Council. The branch decided to
accept the British Rail Board’s offer of £2.30 “Claw-Back” pay.
The new summer workings were discussed.
District Council Report.
Bro. Tingley gave a very comprehensive report, and the Branch recorded a vote of thanks to him for same. Members
supported Bro. S. Tingley’s decision to send a letter to Head Quarters, deploring the manner in which the last District
Council meeting was conducted.
Meeting closed 12.15
¼ Meeting October 20th 1974
Commenced 10.00 close 12.15
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, S. Tingley, E. Spray, J. Hawker, D. Roberts & D. King.
Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed. No action was taken regarding voting papers for Section Council and
T.U.C. owing to no meeting being held before expiry date.
L.D.C. Report was given by Bro. S. Tingley. The matter of drivers position in the event of bomb scares on trains was
discussed. The modernisation of Ore lobby was discussed. Bro. D. Roberts request for a set turn owing to his domestic
situation was considered.
District Council Report
Bro. S. Tingley gave a full report gave an explanation why the three Ore men sent home during the last dispute, had
no claim against the Railway’s Board.
Presentation of retirement certificate was made to Bo. J. Hawker. Members wished him a long and happy retirement.
Nomination of Officers.
No further nominations Bro. R. Taylor said he would not accept nomination as Branch Secretary for 1975.
Annual General Meeting December 15th 1974
Commenced 10.10 close 12.30
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, E. Spray, A. Thompson, A. Stratton & D. Roberts.
Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed. The circular regarding field study, review was brought to members attention.
L.D.C. Report was given by Bro. S. Tingley. He gave a report on further correspondence he received from B.R.B.
regarding action to be taken regarding bomb scares on trans.
Bro. D. Roberts thanked members for enabling him to have a set turn.
The First Aid case, Bro S. Tingley had been informed that this was in order.
Plastic grips are now to be fitted on VEPs control handles.
The proposed staffing up of the depot by two extra men was fully discussed.
Election of Officers
Branch Chairman Bro. R. Taylor, Vice Chairman Bro. F. Jenner, Branch Secretary Bro. D. Roberts.
L.D.C. Chairman Bro. R. Chamberlain, L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Tingley, Stand in Bro. D. Roberts.
District Council Representative Bro. S. Tingley.
Committee for 1975
Bros. D. Roberts, L. Baldwin, R. Taylor, S. Tingley, R. Chamberlain, E. Spray & A. Thompson.
A vote of thanks was proposed by Bro. A. Stratton and seconded by Bro. E. Spray to Bro. Taylor for his work as
Secretary over the past two years.
Meeting closed 12.30
¼ Meeting March 23rd 1975
Commenced 10.20 close 12.25
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, D. King, A. Stratton, J, Newett, L. Baldwin
& R. Waghorne.
Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
Bro. S. Tingley gave a report on the meeting at Sectional Council. Matters relating to proposed pay award, London
Allowance/Southern area and pensions were discussed. The question of Ascot depot closing was brought up. It was
decided, that a letter be sent from Ore Branch to Sectional Council deploring the action taken over this matter.
The proposed new roster was fully discussed. The 07.00SP on Saturday to be used for Roads/Signals hove. It was
proposed by Bro. L. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. D. King.
That the roster be accepted. This was carried unanimously.
The question of Rest Day working was brought up. It was unanimously decided that a letter be sent to Bro. B. Noakes stating that Ore Branch would not entertain Rest Day working unless approached by management.
The set turn for Bro. D. Roberts was discussed. It was proposed by Bro. L. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. J. Newwit. That the set turn temporarily allocated to tis member remains as it is.
The A/L roster for 1976 was debated with a means to closing the summer period up.
A vote of thanks to Bro. D. Roberts for taking the job on as Secretary was proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. J. Newett.
A vote of thanks was proposed by Bro. J. Newett and seconded by Bro. A. Stratton to Bro. S. Tingley and Bro. R. Chamberlain for their work on the new roster.
Bro. J. Newett brought up the question of covering a “Sickness Procedure Letter” to each driver.
Meeting closed 12.25
1975 ~ 82
Chairman R. Taylor
V. Chair F. Jenner
Secretary D. Roberts
¼ Meeting March 23rd 1975
Commenced 10.20 close 12.25
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, D. King, A. Stratton, J, Newett, L. Baldwin
& R. Waghorne.
Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
Bro. S. Tingley gave a report on the meeting at Sectional Council. Matters relating to proposed pay award, London
Allowance/Southern area and pensions were discussed. The question of Ascot depot closing was brought up. It was
decided, that a letter be sent from Ore Branch to Sectional Council deploring the action taken over this matter.
The proposed new roster was fully discussed. The 07.00SP on Saturday to be used for Roads/Signals hove. It was
proposed by Bro. L. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. D. King. That the roster be accepted. This was carried
The question of Rest Day working was brought up. It was unanimously decided that a letter be sent to Bro. B. Noakes
stating that Ore Branch would not entertain Rest Day working unless approached by management.
The set turn for Bro. D. Roberts was discussed. It was proposed by Bro. L. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. J. Newwit.
That the set turn temporarily allocated to tis member remains as it is.
The A/L roster for 1976 was debated with a means to closing the summer period up.
A vote of thanks to Bro. D. Roberts for taking the job on as Secretary was proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and
seconded by Bro. J. Newett.
A vote of thanks was proposed by Bro. J. Newett and seconded by Bro. A. Stratton to Bro. S. Tingley and Bro. R.
Chamberlain for their work on the new roster.
Bro. J. Newett brought up the question of covering a “Sickness Procedure Letter” to each driver.
Meeting closed 12.25
1/2 Meeting August 3rd 1975
Commenced 10.50 close 1.00
Members present Bros. J. Mould, S. Tingley, F. Jenner. D. Roberts, J, Newett, A. Stratton & L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
The question of alterations vary each week to the rostered 468 duty was discussed.
Bro. T.J. Luck of Wolverhampton was nominated by this branch for the Society’s Parliamentary Panel. Proposed by
Bro. J. Newett and seconded by Bro. J. Mould.
It was proposed by Bro. L. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. A. Stratton. That a donation of £5.00 from Ore Branch
Funds be sent to the National League of the Blind and Disabled, which had made an appeal.
L.D.C. report was given by Bro. S. Tingley. The 1976 Annual Leave roster was fully discussed and passed by the Branch.
The walkways at Haywards Heath sidings.
Bro. S. Tingley gave details of the proposed walkway to the middle and north sidings.
The question of booking en to work on the XXX Sunday was discussed and debated on by the members present.
Meeting closed 1.00
Special Meeting November 16th 1975
Commenced 9.45 close 12.45
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, D. Roberts, E. Spray, J. Newett, J. Gain, D. King,
A. Thompson, W. White, W. Arling, R. Waghorne & A. Stratton.
Also Bros J. Wallis & D. Pervis of St Leonards & Bro D. Keegan of Eastbourne
These members together with A.G.S. D. Pullen and D. Pullen (Senior) attended the second part of the meeting.
Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
It was proposed by Bro. J. Gain and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley.
That the sum of £5.00 from Branch Funds be sent to Bro. W. Eames, Staff sided member of Sectional Council ‘B’
towards the campaign being set up against proposed cuts in rail services.
A suggestion was made by Bro. J. Gain. That members should contribute towards the Branch Funds. It was decided to
bring this up again at the Annual General Meeting.
L.D.C. Report was given by Bro. S. Tingley.
The question of the walkway and the lack of it to Signal CG16 was discussed. It was agreed to write to management
over this matter.
The form of procedure concerning accident/sickness which L.D.C. had taken up with the view to have a copy for each
member of staff had been turned down on the basis of cost involved. It was agreed that Branch Secretary be
instructed to write to Head Office over this matter.
The case of Driver D. Hylands incident at Norman’s Bay crossing was discussed, also the train crew accommodation
at Ore together with the cleanliness of the cab and cab windows.
The Special Branch Meeting
Bro. D.K. Pullen, Assistant General Secretary was welcomed to the Branch by Bro. R. Chamberlain who was acting
Bro, D.K. Pullen deal wit aspects on British Law concerning accidents and gave several examples. He described
various railway accidents of the past and present before coming to the compensation case of Bro. J. Newett.
He then went on with present copies such as the 10th anniversary of freight liners for which a celebration was held at
Euston with representatives of large firms which use these services. Cut in services was discussed together with the
re-diagramming of work and the eventual abolition of Rest Day working. The lobbying of Parliament by members of
A.S.L.E.F. on 16th December 1975 and cases of drinking on duty brought the meeting to a close at 12.45
Annual General Meeting January 4th 1976
Commenced 10.50 close 12.30
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, F. Jenner. D. Roberts, J, Newett & W. Arling.
Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
It was agreed by members present that a notice be posted in Driver’s Room, Ore to find out who would agree to a
subscription towards the Branch Funds.
The Secretary would write to Organiser of Transport 2000 for details on joining this body.
It was proposed by Bro. J. Newett and seconded by Bro. W. Arling. That the Secretary draw the sum of £3.08 out of
Branch Funds for a new briefcase for Secretary.
The election of Officers, as there were no nominations for offices, the existing Oficers are elected en bloc.
The A.D.M. Brighton to be notified that Bro. S. Tingley was re-elected as L.D.C. Secretary for a further two years.
L.D.C. Report.
Signals at Keymer Junction CG16 & CG6 were discussed, train cleaning at Ore and the general cleanliness of cab
windows were discussed also. The signal 2/3 way up loop at East Croydon (CW30). It was agreed that L.D.C. would
write to management over the compliant of drivers being stopped, or nearly stopped at this signal, thereby creating a
hazard to passengers in the rear of a 12 car train.
Election of Officers
Branch Chairman Bro. R. Taylor, Vice Chairman Bro. F. Jenner, Branch Secretary Bro. D. Roberts.
L.D.C. Chairman Bro. R. Chamberlain, L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Tingley, Stand in Bro. D. Roberts.
District Council Representative Bro. S. Tingley.
Committee for 1976
Bros. D. Roberts, L. Baldwin, R. Taylor, S. Tingley, R. Chamberlain, E. Spray & A. Thompsson.
Meeting closed 12.30
¼ Meeting March 7th 1976
Commenced 10.50 close 12.40
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor. D. Roberts, E. Spray, D. King, R. Stratton, J. Newett, A. Stratton,
R. Waghorne & W. Arling.
Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
It was proposed by Bro. E. Spray and seconded by Bro. R. Waghorne.
That the question of subscribing towards the Branch Funds be left for the present time.
Details had at last been obtained about joining Transport 2000. After debating this the members present decided not
to become affiliated to this transport body.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. S. Tingley gave a full report on present items which included cleaning of cab windows, glass panel to be fitted to
door of locker room at Ore. The late posting of recent allegations to duties was brought up.
It was agreed that the L.D.C. Secretary would write to management again over signal CW39 up loop line at East
Bro. S. Tingley gave a report on the last District Council meeting also the latest on the summer diagram and rosters.
The changing over of 474 duty and 476 duty was discussed. It was proposed by Bro. J. Newett and seconded by Bro.
E. Spray. That the turns remain in the same position. This was unanimously agreed.
Bro. S. Tingley enlightened us on the present set up for passing Secondmen for driving.
Meeting closed 12.40
¼ Meeting June 13th 1976
Commenced 10.40 close 12.40
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, F. Jenner. D. Roberts, W. Arling, R. Chamerlain, A. Thompson & D. King.
Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
The questions of signal CW9, up loop line at East Croydon was brought up. L.D.C. Secretary was attending an L.D.C.
meeting shortly when this would be discussed with a Signal Inspector who would be in attendance.
The new signals recently installed at Pevensey were discussed.
Bro. S. Tingley gave his report on recent L.D.C. meetings and also a full report on the last District Council meeting.
This dealt with cuts in railway services and the costing of branch lines losses.
Bro. D. Roberts had requested the L.D.C. to arrange for him to ave a temporary at turn of duty owing to domestic
It was proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. A. Thompson. That 481 duty be allocated to him.
Meeting closed 12.40
¼ Meeting October 3rd 1976
Commenced 10.45 close 12.45
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, F. Jenner, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, J, Mould, A. Thompson, A. Arnold, D. King,
R. Chamberlain & J. Newett.
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. W. Arling that the minutes
were a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
Long Service Badges were presented by the Chairman to the following members
Bro. W. Arling 10 year, Bro. F. Jennere 10 year, Bro. A. Thompson 20 year & Bro. D. King 20 year.
The question of voluntary working of Rest Days at Ore was brought up. It was decided by members present that the
L.D.C. approach management on this request to work rest days on an as and when required basis. Proposed by Bro.
W. Arling and seconded by Bro. D. King.
The 1977 Annual Leave roster was discussed after much debating on this subject two proposition were made.
1, proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. A. Arnold. That L.D.C. approach management with view to
changing the Annual Leave roster to old system for 1978.
2, proposed by Bro. J. Mould and seconded by Bro. W. Arling. That the roster for Annual Leave is worked so that
members work a Sunday each end of Annual Leave where possible.
This was was voted for 8 for and 3 against.
Various complaints of mess room and shed were discussed, leaking roof, rats in messroom, cleaning of toilets in shed
roads, fire escape door & overhanging asbestos.
Meeting closed 12.45
Annual General Meeting December 5th 1976
Commenced 11.00 close 1.00
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, F. Jenner. D. Roberts, W. Arling, A. Thompson & E. Spray.
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. F. Jenner and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley. That the minutes were a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
It was proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. R. Taylor. That Bro. W. Hutchins of Horsham be nominated
by this branch as delegate to the 1977 A.A.D. This was voted unanimously by the members present.
The question of positioning Sundays with the 1978 Annual Leave roster was brought up again. As complaints had
been received on the previous branch meeting proposition it was agreed that it would be included in next branch
meetings agenda, and any member unable to attend could vote by proxy letter in Branch Secretary’s locker by the
Saturday proceeding meeting.
The question of shed cleaning, cleanliness of toilets and rats in mess room were again discussed. it was proposed by
Bro. E. Spray and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley. That the Secretary would write to Head Office over the various
appeals for financial assistance which are sent out from branches quite frequently. It was felt that after giving varying
lengths of loyal service to A.S.L.E.F., that Head Office should have fund to help these members and not rely on
individual branches to collect, whilst the branch had very sympathy with the dependants.
The Election of Officers.
These were elected en bloc with the exception of Bro W. Arling who took over the position of Bro. L. Baldwin on the
Election of Officers
Branch Chairman Bro. R. Taylor, Vice Chairman Bro. F. Jenner, Branch Secretary Bro. D. Roberts.
L.D.C. Chairman Bro. R. Chamberlain, L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Tingley, Stand in Bro. D. Roberts.
District Council Representative Bro. S. Tingley.
Committee for 1977
Bros. D. Roberts, W. Arling, R. Taylor, S. Tingley, R. Chamberlain, E. Spray & A. Thompson..
Meeting closed 1.00

Jack Hoath
¼ Meeting March 27th 1977
Commenced 10.45 close 1.00
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, F. Jenner,, D. Roberts, W, Arling, A. Thompson, R. Chamberlain & E. Spray.
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. W. Arling that the minutes
were a true record.
Correspondence was read out and debated on. The question of travelling by taxis in the execution of our duties was
It was decided that after collecting information and the general feeling from other branches, that a resolution be
forwarded to Head Office for inclusion in next year’s A.A.D.
The suspension of Driver A.W. Morris (Brighton E.M.U.T.) was discussed. It was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and
seconded by Bro. A. Thompson. That the following resolution be sent to Brighton L.D.C.
“That this Branch uphold the appeal of Driver Arthur Morris in accordance with the request of Brighton L.D.C.
It was decided that the following resolution be sent to Head Office.
“That this Branch instruct A.S.L.E.F. General Secretary in accordance with E.C. report at District Council No.4 to
press for the reinstatement of Collective Bargaining within the Trade Union Movement.”
Proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlian and seconded by Bro. A. Thompson
L.D.C. Report
Bro. S. Tingley gave his report on L.D.C. matters. These included two speed windscreen wipers and the cleanliness of
of shed roads which brought quite a lot of discussion.
The 1978 Annual Leave roster was discussed, it was felt that the agreement to utilize the 1st XXX man to cover
middle Sunday of a man’s Annual Leave was a step in the right direction.
L.N.E.R. Pension Fund
It was agreed that E.C. member Bro. D. Fullick be asked to attend the next Branch meeting to talk on L.N.E.R.
pension fund.
Meeting closed 1.00
¼ Meeting July 31st 1977
Commenced 9.35 close 12.30
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, R. Chamberlain & E. Spray.
Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record, proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlian.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
The question of travelling by taxis was again raised and this point was put to Bro. D. Fullick, E.C. Member when he
arrived. He gave his views on this matter and assured the members present that they would be covered in the event of
an accident, and should a fatal accident occur, then Head office would take the case up for the deceased’s widow.
It was proposed. That Bro. W. Eames Selhurst Branch should have our vote for the forthcoming Sectional Council ‘B’
election. Proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley.
L.D.C. Report
The 1978 Annual Leave roster was discussed also cleanliness of shed roads, letters of which had been sent to A.D.M.
A strongly would letter had been sent to A.D.M. Brighton, from L.D.C. Secretary over the notice which had been
exhibited in the notice case concerning drivers failing to stop at stations which they were supposed to call at and the
ensuing disciplinary action.
This was debated on, and the poor edition of the present service book left a lot to be desired.
The new type of free passes to be issued in the future was described by Bro. S. Tingley.
The second half of the meeting was given to E.C. member Bro. D. Fullick who gave a very informative talk on the
L.N.E.R. Pension Fund together with its various aspects also the Wages Goods Pension Fund.
Meeting closed 12.30
¼ Meeting October 2nd 1977
Commenced 10.35 close 12.42
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, F. Jenner, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, A. Thompson, D. King, R. Chamberlain
& W. Arling.
Minutes of last meeting were read,and confirmed as a true record, proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro.
W. Arling.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
The question of new free passes was debated on the members present.
Bro. R. Marchant of St. Leonards Branch was nominated as delegate for the 1978 A.A.D. This was proposed by Bro.
D. King and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley.
It was proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain seconded by Bro. D. King. That Bro. Hutchings of Horsham Branch receive
our vote for the T.U.C. Regional Council 1978/1981.
The 1978 timetable and the alterations to some was discussed in length.
L.D.C. report
Various items were discussed, Station floodlights at Lewes, entering terminal stations on yellow signals to be
The 1977 Christmas movements were discussed and a resolution be sent to Head Office as follows
“It is unanimously decided at the above Branch that the E.C. of A.S.L.E.F. be instructed to negotiated with the B.R.B.
for double time payments for all Bank Holiday Workings plus two days compensatory leave in leu in line with
supervisory grades.
Although deferred by A.A.D., members of this brach feel strongly on this subject as do members of other branches in
this area.”
Proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. W. Arling.
The reduction of notifying management from 6 weeks - 2 weeks for taking Compensatory Leave with 2 days was sent
in a letter to A.D.M. Brighton.
Meeting closed 12.42
Annual General Meeting January 8th 1978
Commenced 10.55 close 12.45
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, A. Thompson, E. Spray, R. Chamberlain
& L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. A. Thompson that the minutes were a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
The branch rest;union to Head Office was discussed, it was agreed to send the resolution again at the end of this year in time for the 1978 A.A.D.
The Election of Officers
This took place and the Officers elected for 1978 were as follows
Branch Chairman Bro. R. Taylor, Vice Chairman Bro. F. Jenner, Branch Secretary Bro. D. Roberts.
L.D.C. Chairman Bro. W. Arling, L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Tingley, Stand in Bro. D. Roberts.
District Council Representative Bro. R. Taylor.
Committee for 1977
Bros. D. Roberts, W. Arling, R. Taylor, S. Tingley, R. Chamberlain, E. Spray & A. Thompson.
As Bro. R. Chamberlain had come to the end of his two years service on the L.D.C. nominations were asked for
Bro. W. Arling was proposed by Bro. L. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. A. Thompson
Bro. R. Chamberlain was proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. R. Taylor.
A vote was taken on this Bro. W. Arling received 4 votes and Bro. R. Chamberlain 2 votes.
It was agreed that the L.D.C. Secretary contact A.D.M Brighton with a view to an election at the depot for the job as
L.D.C. Chairman.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. S. Tingley gave his report which included the new timetable for 1978 and stock being cleaned at Ore depot
between services.
Meeting closed 12.45.
¼ Meeting April 2nd 1978
Commenced 10.40 close 1.10
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, A. Thompson, S. Spackman, R. Chamberlain, E. Spray,
L. Baldwin & W. Arling.
Minutes of A.G.M. were read,and discussed it was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlian.
That the minutes were read as a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
The question of rostering staff on a 7 day basis as set out in Head Office circular 10/1978 was debated on. It was
proposed by Bro. E. Spray and seconded by Bro. A. Thompson. That a letter be send to A.A.D. delegate Bro. P. Plaine,
condemning any implementation of the 7 day roster.
Bro. S. Spackman agreed to attend meeting at Tunbridge Wells as delegate from Ore Branch on Saturday 22nd April
L.D.C. Report
The cleaning of stock in new workings was again brought up. It was agreed that a letter be sent to management
stating that London trains would be shunted into shed for cleaning cab ends.
The Sectional Council Representative Bro. W. Eames & Bro. B. Noakes arrived and a lengthy discussion ensued on
the possible increase in depot establishment from 26 - 28 men.
Details of previous rosters were dismissed also the pros & cons of the issue.
It was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain. That the proposed roster of 28 men be
accepted. This was a unanimous decision.
Meeting closed 1.10
¼ Meeting July 9th 1978
Commenced 10.45 close 12.55
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, L. Baldwin & W. Arling.
Minutes of last meeting were read,and it was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley. That the
minutes were read as a true record.
Correspondence was read and various items were discussed including the proposed re hearing of the Increase
Productivity claim submitted by Head Office.
L.D.C. Report
The cleaning of cab ends was discussed and the present arrangements on this were working satisfactory.
The mess room was brought up and the question of the new doorway as a possible fire exit. It was agreed that the
L.D.C. contact guards representative at Hastings with a view to having a joint meeting on these points as follows:-
Fire exit, locker accommodation, notice cases, these items included guards who share accommodation with drivers. It
was agreed that facilities could be improved with the increased depot establishment. This meeting would probably
include the welfare people as well.
The proposed improvement in the toilet facilities had also been agreed upon.
The sighting of various signals and the need to cut back foliage on the approach to some signals was brought up by
embers present. Ore signal in particular which needed re-sighted was down home signal at Hamden Park.
The second half of the meeting was given to Bro. P.H. Plane of Brighton No.2 who as A.A.D. representative had agree
to give a talk on this year’s A.A.D.
He bgan by describing the opening of the A.A.D., following on was the E.C. Report and then gave a detailed and
informative talk on each day’s proceedings and the various resolutions that were brought up. Among these were the 7
days roster which was defeated by 44 votes to 3 for.
Meeting closed 12.55 .
¼ Meeting October 8th 1978
Commenced 10.30 close 12.15
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, F. Jenner, D. Roberts, L. Baldwin & S. Spackman.
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. L. Baldwin. That the
minutes were read as a true record.
Correspondence was read and discussed.
It was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. S. Specimen. That Bro. P.H. Blaine of Brighton No.2 be
nominated for 1979 A.A.D.
The following resolution was agreed to be sent to Head Office by members of the Branch. Proposed by bro. S. Tingley
and seconded by Bro. S. Spackman.
“It is unanimously decided at the above Branch that the E.C. of A.S.L.E.F. be instructed to negotiate with the B.R.B.
for double time payments for all Bank Holidays Workings plus two days compensatory leave in lieu in with
supervisory grades.”
L.D.C. Report
The question of overhanging foliage along lines was discussed also the approach to some signals. It was a job for
individual drivers to report such matters at various places and not for L.D.C.’s to take up as stipulated by the
A meeting had taken place over improved mess room facilities and the possible extension of locker room. This meeting
was attended by the Chief Welfare Officer, South Eastern Division.
A lengthy discussion followed on the 1979 and 1980 Annual Leave roster. It was agreed by the members present that
for 1979, the first three periods men would have choice to change their 2 weeks Annual Leave before end of October
then it would be on a first come, first serve basis.
For 1980 thee first three periods men on each shift would have to apply within six weeks of date of publication of
Annual Leave roster, then other men to apply for changes in vacant positions.
The Xmas traffic arrangements were discussed before the meeting closed at 12.15.
Annual General Meeting December 3rd 1978
Commenced 10.35 close 12.30
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, S. Spackman, W. Arling, R. Chamberlain, A. Thompson,
J. Gain & D. Rodgers.
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. S. Spackman. That the
minutes were read as a true record.
Correspondence was read and various items were discussed including locker room alterations.
Bro. P.H. Blaine, Brighton No.2 was voted for the 1979 A.A.D., this was proposed by Bro. J. Gain and seconded by
Bro. S. Tingley.
The Election of Officers
This was read on the agenda and the following Officers were elected for 1979.
Branch Chairman Bro. R. Taylor, Vice Chairman Bro. F. Jenner, Branch Secretary Bro. D. Roberts.
L.D.C. Chairman Bro. W. Arling, L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Tingley, Stand in Bro. D. Roberts.
District Council Representative Bro. R. Taylor.
Committee for 1979
Bros. D. Roberts, W. Arling, R. Taylor, S. Tingley, R. Chamberlain, E. Spray & A. Thompson.
A letter would be sent to A.D.M. Brighton notifying management. That Bros S. Tingley would stand for a further two
years as L.D.C. Secretary, 1979 - 1980.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. S. Tingley gave his report which included electrification of Eastern side, Tunbridge - Hastings - Ashford. Letter
had been sent to Section Council over this, but at present no plains had been revealed.
The question of Minute 65 being adopted at Ore was discussed by members present at the conclusion it was agreed
that a letter be sent to A.D.M. Brighton, requesting that Minute 65 be carried out for men at Ore Depot.
Bro. R. Taylor, District Council Rep. gave a report on a Special Meeting which had been convened at Arkwright Road
on 27th November 1978 over the present unofficial action. He read out a resolution which had been adopted at the
meeting. It was hoped that a satisfactory conclusion would be reached before January 6th 1979, when more industrial
action would probably be taken.
Meeting closed 12.30
Special Meeting January 23rd 1979
Commenced 10.45 close 12.20
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, R. Chamberlain, R. Waghorne, E. Spray, W. Arling,
J. Hoath, A. Thompson, A. Stratton, L. Baldwin & P. Hawkins.
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain. That the
minutes were read as a true record.
Correspondence was read concerning the present dispute.
After a long and intensive debate, the following resolution was adopted by Ore Branch, to be sent to Head Office.
“That this Branch inform the General Secretary and the E.C. That they are dissatisfied with the handling of this
dispute and that they are seriously considering withdrawing their support”
This was proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. W. Arling.
Meeting closed 12.20
Meeting April 29th 1979
Commenced 10.45 close 12.35
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling & R. Chamberlian.
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. R. Taylor. That the
minutes were read as a true record.
Correspondence was read and various voting papers were dealt with.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. S. Tingley discussed the new workings which come into force in May. These turns were debated on by the
members present.
The question of Compensatory Leave was discussed and it was agreed that management be approached on this, by
word of mouth over the number of days outstanding.
The Tunbridge - Hastings electrification was discussed and the date had been put back to 1984.
The meeting held at Brighton on Wednesday 4th April 1979 concerning signalling was discussed. Various points such
as new bulbs being introduced and other safety factor in signal boxes would improve the position. The question of
painting signal posts in a fluorescent paint would help in cases where signals could have failed, cases where signals
have changed back to red owing to a surge connected withe bonding rails. It was explained that all cases of signalling
irregularities should be reported to A.D.M. Brighton. The question of longer shades on signals approaching Keymer
Junction was brought up at the meeting by Ore L.D.C.
The question of signal CW39 at East Croydon was brought up again.
The S&T notice published by the South Western Division was a better version of the one issued by the Central
Division. It was agreed that the A.D.M. Brighton be contacted to see if our version would be punished on these lines.
The Annual Leave rotation for 1980 was discussed and it was agreed that they would stat 31st November 1980.
Bro. W. Arling requested that a sum of money be granted from the Branch Funds be granted from the Branch Funds
for Health and safety literature. It was agreed that Head Office would be contacted first before drawing on Branch
Meeting closed 12.35.
¼ Meeting July 8th 1979
Commenced 10.10 close 12.05
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, R. Chamberlain, P. Bowles, & D. King.
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain. That the
minutes were read as a true record.
Correspondence was read and discussed.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. S. Tingley gave details of meetings which had been requested with management concerning the Outer Home
Signal on the Down Road at Hamden Park. The L.D.C. were also meeting the management concerning diagrams.
The various alterations and the ensuing work were given out by the L.D.C. Secretary. the cause of this work would
take place over many months in various stages.
A meeting would be requested for the alterations to signalling at Ore. Detach of enlarged men’s room facilities at Ore
were also discussed.
District Council Report
Bro. R. Taylor gave a full report on matters which had been raised at the recent District Council, such as Shunt
Drivers rate of pay, medics which would be at ages 20, 30 & 40 years service. Details of A.S.L.E.F. centenary
celebrations were also raised. There was apparently going to be large function to be held in London next year and
Bro. R. Taylor gave details on this, one ticket admitting two people would be sent out to each Branch.
It was proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. P. Bowles.
That the ticket should go to the Branch Secretary. this was agreed unanimously.
Local celebrations would be held, a diner and dance organised by St Leonards Branch with Ore members invited by
ticket was being discussed. Details of this would be given to us by the St Leonards Secretary later.
In any other business, Bro. P. Bowles asked if a letter would be sent to Chief Constable, Hastings on the behaviour
pattern of foreign students travelling by rail. It was agreed that this would be done after hearing details of the
incident in which he was involved in. Proposed by Bro. P. Bowles and seconded by Bro. R. Taylor.
Meeting closed 12.05
¼ Meeting November 4th 1979
Commenced 10.15 close 12.40
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, A. Thompson, R. Chamberlain, P. Bowles, W. Arling,
L. Baldwin & S. Spackman.
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. P. Bowles and seconded by Bro. W. Arling. That the
minutes were read as a true record.
Correspondence was read and discussed.
The proposed Diner/Dance arranged by St Leonards Branch would be held in April 1980 at the Falaise Hall. Tickets
were approx £5.00 each.
The question of line side telephones was brought up and also the platform lighting at Eastbourne. These lights were
very bright and dazzling when entering station.
Letters which had been met to Hastings police regarding foreign students travelling by train. The safety poster which
had be requested through Division had not be received. It was decided that Bro. W. Arling, Heath & Safety Officer
would take correspondence concerning this and contact management.
The 1980 diaries had been distributed unfortunately one member Bro. K. Major had had his taken from the case. It
was decided to buy him one out of branch funds. It was also felt that Head Office should be told that members feel the
conditions of service should have been included in the diary, at least the P.T.R. arrangements.
L.D.C. Report
The question of Rest Day working was discussed at length.
The proposed closure of Ore Depot was discussed. It was proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. S.
That the L.D.C. do all in their power to fight the proposed closure of the depot.
District Council Report
Bro. R. Taylor gave a fall report on the last Council meeting. This included men travelling by taxis, signal
irregularities, centenary year badges, a list was up in the room for same.
The 1979 Christmas workings were discussed in any other business.
Meeting closed 12.40
Annual General Meeting January 6th 1980
Commenced 10.15 close 12.30
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, R. Chamberlain, W. Arling, F. Jenner & D. King.
Minutes of last meeting were read also minutes of last annual general, it was proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and
seconded by Bro. W. Arling. That the minutes were read as a true record.
In the correspondence that followed including the loss of Bro. Hurst-Gates of Eastbourne, it was felt that should
anything like that case happen at Ore than a member of the Branch should make tentative inquiries for the purpose of
commencing a claim for re-settlement. this would have to be done very carefully so as not to cause further distress to
immediate relatives.
The question of 4 weeks annual leave was discussed, this had been brought up at the A.A.D. before.
It was decided that a resolution be sent to Head Office, informing them that men at Ore do not wish to work on
Thursday 25th December 1980. This resolution would be included in the agenda for the next branch meeting.
The Election of Officers.
This was next on the agenda and the following officers were elected for 1980.
Branch Chairman Bro. R. Taylor, Vice Chairman Bro. F. Jenner, Branch Secretary Bro. D. Roberts.
L.D.C. Chairman Bro. W. Arling, L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Tingley, Stand in Bro. D. Roberts.
District Council Representative Bro. R. Taylor.
Committee for 1980
Bros. D. Roberts, W. Arling, R. Taylor, S. Tingley, D. King, R. Chamberlain, E. Spray & A. Thompson.
It was proposed by Bro. F. Jenner and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain. That Bros. S. Tingley and Bro. W. Arling
would be Trades Council Representatives for this Branch. This was voted unanimously.
It was proposed by Bro. R. chamberlain and seconded by Bro. F. Jenner that Bro. D. King be included on the Branch
In the L.D.C. Report that followed Bro. S. Tingley gave details of a recent meeting held at Brighton over the question
of men travelling by taxi, and a list of men unable to ride in taxi by way of sickness was held by the list clerk.
The question of the recent modified Saturday service over many days of the Christmas period was discussed. It was
felt by many members that it was a very unsatisfactory arrangement giving rise to discounted amongst the staff.
The question of temporary mess room facilities whilst work on old mess room together with the absence of Xmas
greetings to staff from management brought the meeting to a close at 12.30.
¼ Meeting March 2nd 1980
Commenced 10.13 close 12.42
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, A. Thompson, A. Stratton, D. Rodgers,
& D. King.
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley. That the minutes
were read as a true record.
Bro. W. Arling reported that arising from the minutes, no dates had been fixed for the mess room iterations to take
In correspondence which followed, Bro. R. Browning of Battersea was voted as candidate for the T.U.C. South East
Regional Council, causal vacancy 1980/81. This was voted unanimously.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. S. Tingley brought up the question of electric power point in the mess room, this had been requested for as a back
up system in case of gas failure. This had ben turned down by management. It was agreed that this would be taken up
again by Bro. W. Arling, Health & Safety Officer.
The position of the depot at Ore was discussed. At present we were in list ‘C’. Details of meetings with Mr. Greenfield,
Motive Power Officer had with management were discussed. The new guide lines to be brought in were read out. This
included timings, P.N. Times and booking on times.
District Council Report.
Bro. R. Taylor gave a full report including proposed items from management such as abolition of failed men,
staggered P.N. times. L574 cancelled, drivers up from 18 years, shower training periods, rest days on a voluntary
basis flexibility of rosters, sick pay reduced on short term periods.
The question of Christmas working 1980 was next on the agenda, it has been agreed at the last meeting to send a
resolution to Head Office and the following resolution was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Br. D. King.
“It has been agreed that Ore Branch under no circumstances will be working any Christmas Days in the future.”
In any other business which was the last item on the agenda, the question of cross cover was again discussed without
any final decision being made.
The proposed dinner/dance at the Falaise Hall was mentioned, this was now open to outsiders.
Meeting closed 12.42
¼ Meeting July 6th 1980
Commenced 10.40 close 12.30
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, E. Spray, D. King, D. Rodgers, P. Bowles,
S. Spackman, & L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. W. Arling. That the minutes
were read as a true record.
Correspondence was read and discussed.
The question of a power point for the mess room had again ben raised with management, but this had not been
agreed. It was agreed that the new gas cooker divider needed to be convect as at present it constituted a fire risk.This
would be taken up by the L.D.C.
It was proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. W. Arling.
That Bro. C.R. Browning be elected by this branch for the T.U.C. south East Regional Council.
L.D.C. Report
The L.D.C. had ben to meetings concerning the Victoria - Brighton re-signalling. The question of reversible road
working over certain sections of the Brighton line were discussed. Many of the members expressed their concern and
uneasiness about this method of working. It was agreed that this question would be closely watched in the future.
A lengthy discussion followed on the question of cross cover and many members gave their opinions on this.
District Council Report.
Bro. R. Taylor gave his report on the recent meeting, which was held with Bro. R. Buckton in attendance, this included
a major report which was due later in year. The question of depot closure was again raised, but nothing concrete had
been decided.
In any other business which was the last item on the agenda, the question of expense forms to be included in envelope
from A.D.M. Brighton, with other revenant paper was requested. The question of P.N. Points was raised, it was agreed
that Lewes was acceptable, but not Haywards Heath.
Another suggestion was made that one weeks’ leave over the Xmas period would be worked by the men at the depot,
say every three years. This would mean 2/3 working and 1/3 on leave each Xmas.
Meeting closed 12.30
¼ Meeting October 12th 1980
Commenced 10.30 close 12.05
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, A. Thompson, P. Bowles, E. Spray & D. King.
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. A. Thompson. That the minutes were read as a true record.
Correspondence was read and discussed.
The question of depot closure was again raised, it was agreed that management were at present undecided with the
future of Ore depot.
A lengthy debate on the question of Cross Cover followed. It was agreed that a letter be sent to Head Office, asking
them wha progress had been made on this subject, which was being discussed at National Level.
Various incident had happened recently at Southeast Crossing with several members. It was agreed that the L.D.C.
request a joint meeting of L.D.C.s concerned over this. A copy of a members report would also be sent to Head Office.
It was proposed by Bro. E. Spray and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley.
That Bro. R. Marchant of St Leonards be our elected candied for 1981 A.A.D.
The question of payslips was raised, it was agreed that these payslips should be put in “ personal” marked envelopes.
The present procedure was totally unsatisfactory and the L.D.C would take this matter up with the people concerned.
The L.D.C. raised the point of 481 duty, if a man on this turn had to be covered it would be covered by 466 duty man.
Bro. W. Arling stated that he would like to stand down as one of the Trades Council Representatives for personal
reasons. It was agreed that a suitable replacement would be elected at the next A.G.M.
Meeting closed 12.05
Annual General Meeting January 18th 1981
Commenced 10.35 close 12.45
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, R. Chamberlain, D. King, A. Stratton,
D. Rodgers, A. Thompson, P. Bowles, & L. Baldwin.
The minutes of last A.G.M. read, it was proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. W. Arling. That the minutes
were read as a true record.
Matters arising from these minutes were men changing turns on Sunday when travel by bus/taxi was involved.
It was agreed that a letter be sent to Head Office regarding the 1981 Christmas arrangements and method of payment.
This was a unanimously decision.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, It was proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. A. thompson. That
the minutes were read as a true record.
The Election of Officers.
Was dealt with next and the following officers were elected for 1981.
Branch Chairman Bro. R. Taylor, Vice Chairman Bro. F. Jenner, Branch Secretary Bro. D. Roberts, Assistant
Secretary Bro. R. Taylor.
L.D.C. Chairman Bro. W. Arling, L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Tingley, Stand in Bro. D. Roberts.
Branch Auditors Bros L. Baldwin & P. Bowles
District Council Representative Bro. R. Taylor.
Trades Council Representatives Bros. R. Taylor & S. Tingley
Committee for 1981
Bros. D. Roberts, W. Arling, R. Taylor, S. Tingley, D. King, R. Chamberlain, E. Spray & A. Thompson.
Correspondence was read and among various items was the question of Southease Level crossing, various letters had
been sent to Head Office over this. The main reply to this was that we should carry out instruction as laid down in
Head Office Circular 52/1979, which stated a speed of 10 m.p.h. over this crossing until procedure for using the
crossing was attend.
L.D.C. Report
The question of payslips was again brought up, after much debate it was agreed that a letter be sent to the Legal
Department, Head Office for their advice on this. We had failed to find agreement locally with the Hastings Station
The down outer home signal at Hamden Park brought many complaints, we were given to understand that future
improvements might soon be forthcoming.
The question of increased locker space in Ore locker room was discussed also repairs to fire exit door and week day
notice case.
Members were quick to air their feelings over the proposed Brighton re-signalling scheme, whereby one would
emerge from a tunnel to find RED lights just outside, this was the proposal on some of the double line workings
(reversible roads).
District Council Report
This included the Sweethill Crash of December 1978, pensions, cut back on services and the extraneous payment
which had recently been posted. The question of Goods Yard lighting was discussed after a member of staff had had
his car stolen on Christmans Eve,
A letter had been received from Bro. J. Newett over this, he asked if it would be read out in any other business. It was
agreed that a letter would be sent to A.D.M. Brighton over this.
Any A.A.D. resolution would be drawn up and submitted to Head Office for approval well before the end of the year.
It was agreed that in future meetings would be held at 10.0 a.m.
Meeting closed 12.45
¼ Meeting March 29th 1981
Commenced 10.15 close 12.15
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, A. Thompson, & L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting were read as a true record, this was proposed by Bro. L. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. W.
Correspondence was read and discussed.
In matters arising which followed the question of station yard lighting was again raised. A meeting had taken place
with various representatives of departments concerned. It had been agreed that if no stock was in No.5 road, this
would help the situation. It was left at the time being for future developments, and consultation.
It was agreed that a meeting be arranged with A.D.M. Brighton re the question of payslip distribution. This was
necessary owing to the outcome of letter sent to Head Office and previous lack of assistance from Hastings Station
Various voting papers were dealt with, it was proposed by Bro. A. Thompson and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley.
That Bro. B. Noakes of Brighton No.2 be nominated for the forthcoming Sectional council ‘B’ elections.
Bro. S. Tingley and Bro. R. Taylor seconded.
That Bro E, Tinselly of Orpington be given the branch vote for the 1981 T.U.C.
Bro. S. Tingley proposed and Bro. A. Thompson seconded.
That Bro. L. Worboys of Portsmouth be voted for the Labour Party Conference 1981
A meeting was being held at Brighton on Thursday 9th April 1981 regarding the proposed cuts in services. It was
agreed that Bros. W. Arling and L. Baldwin would attend this meeting. It was proposed by Bro. A. Thompson and
seconded by Bro. R. Taylor.
That Bros. Arling and Baldwin would be allowed £3.00 each towards their expenses for attending this meeting. This
would come out of Branch Funds (minute 2/81).
The question of XXX men on Sundays was raised. Men at other depots were being booked in “off shift” whilst XXX
men were not fully utilised. The Branch Secretary was submitted a claim in this respect for himself for today 29/3/81.
The recent report in the Daily Mirror W/e 28/3/81 was discussed. The members who had read it were very dissatisfied
with the contents. It was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. A. Thompson.
That a letter be sent to Head Office asking what steps the E.C. were going to take over the report.
A resolution to Head Office over the introduction of A.W.S. was proposed by Bro. L. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. S.
Tingley. The resolution was requested to be submitted for the 1982 A.A.D. reads as follows.
“In view of the forthcoming introduction of A.W.S. on the Central Division of Southern Region, we consider some
payment should be made for operating extra mechanical equipment, of this is not possible we should be given some
form of renumeration for working the aid of the aforesaid equipment in the past.”
In any other business which closed the meeting the Branch Secretary requested a better suitcase to replace existing
one. It was unanimously agreed that he obtains a new one, cost being born by branch funds (minute 1/81).
Meeting closed 12.15
Special Meeting May 17th 1981
Commenced 10.10 close 11.40
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, R. Chamberlain, L. Baldwin, S. Spackman, W. Arling,
A. Thompson, P. Bowles & D. King.
The Chairman Bro. R. Taylor opened the meeting. The first item to be dealt with was the voting paper for the
forthcoming Sectional council ‘B’ elections. It was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. A. Thompson.
That we vote for Bro. B. noakes of Brighton No.2. This was unanimously agreed by the members.
Bro. R. Taylor, District Council Representative and Chairman spoke about the recent Tunbridge Wells dispute and its
implications. A lengthy debate followed amongst the members present. At the conclusion of this it was proposed by
Bro. S. Spackman and seconded by Bro. P. Bowles.
That the Secretary be instructed to write to other L.D.C.s with the view of staggered strikes during week commencing
1st June 1981.
The voting on this was 8 for and 2 against. It was agreed that a copy of our proposal be sent to the Tunbridge Wells
Secretary, to show them what we were prepared to do. The Secretary agreed to write to the following Branch
Secretaries also asking for a speedy reply.
Eastbourne, Three Bridges, Horsham, Bognor, Redhill, Littlehampton, Seaford (which comes under Eastbourne) and
a copy to Tunbridge Wells.
On the question of the proposal from Eastbourne over stopped rest days, this was fully discussed but owing to several
members having to book on around lunch time it was felt that insufficient time was given to this, It was agreed that a
letter be sent to the Eastbourne Branch Secretary explaining this, and that we would discuss this proposal more fully
at our next Branch Meeting
Meeting Closed 11.40
Meeting August 16th 1981
Commenced 10.05 close 12.50
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, D. King, P. Bowles, S. Spackman, F. Jenner,
J. Newett & A. Stratton.
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. W. Arling. That the minutes
were read as a true record.
In correspondence which followed the Secretary brought a Head Office circular to the members notice, the
empathised the need for members involved in suicides to indicate that they had suffered some form of shock, this
would be in writing when filling in forms for the D.H.S.S.
In the L.D.C. Report that followed, the loss of Sunday work was discussed also the Brighton re-signalling scheme
and the associate problems with several signal being sighted wrongly, had brought complaints from several L.D.C.s.
The proposed Gatwick Airport Rail Link from Victoria in the future was discussed. This involved the use of Class 73
locos and ten mark two coaches plus luggage van. Again several L.D.C.s had recorded their disapproval over this
measure, quite naturally, feeling that work would be lost for E.M.U. men.
The fencing on of No.5 road at Ore and the refusal of management to improve lighting in yard was another item which
our L.D.C. had dealt with. The lighting would have cost over £4,000 we are told. The gate at entrance to goods yard
was not going to be locked after all.
Bro. R. Taylor gave a lengthy but informative talk on the District Council meetings, he had attended. Items included
inter-union disputes, the question of more flexible hours and also on the question of the Channel Tunnel.
The widow Bro. R. Jefford, Littlehampton had received the sum of £50,000 over the Sweethill disaster which happened
in December 1978.
Next item on the agenda was proposed strike which had been called by N.U.R. and A.S.L.E.F. over the refusal by the
B.R.B. to accept the findings of Lord McCarthy’s tribunal of 11% without strings attached. A lengthy debate followed
and all members present aired their views. It was proposed by Bro. P. Bowles and seconded by Bro. J. Newett that the
following letter be sent to Head Office.
“This Branch deplores the was negotiations have been handles, lack of information in the early stages and consider,
that a secret ballot should have been or should be instigated before the strike commences.”
The voting on this was 8 for with 1 abstaining.
It was proposed by Bro. P. Bowles and seconded by Bro. F. Jenner.
"That in the event of the strike taking place that we would hold a branch meeting on Sunday 6th September 1981 at
10.0 a.m. at the Granville Hotel.”
The Secretary said he would make provisional arrangements.
In any other business which followed the question of having to walk through long trains at night with possibility of
meeting drunks still aboard was discussed. It was proposed by Bro. S. Spackman and seconded by Bro. P. Bowles.
That the L.D.C. take this up with management also the question of dividing D.E.M.U. stock at Hastings, reducing the
train berthed in No.5 road at Ore by half which would solve the lighting complaints.
Meeting closed 12.50
Annual General Meeting January 3rd 1982
Commenced 10.10 close 12.45
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, A. Thompson, R. Chamberlain, P. Bowles,
E. Spray, S. Spackman, L. Balwin & D. King ( J. Newett & F. Jenner (10.30).
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. A. Thompson. That the
minutes were read as a true record.
The question of lighting at Ore was again raised also the berthing of D.E.M.U. stock in No.5 road. This would be
pursued by the L.D.C. The last few trains into Ore at night gave problems for some drivers when they encountered
drunks still on board. It was agreed that the guards should ensure that all passengers were in front of him from
Eastbourne and all out at Hastings with the exception of Ore passengers. The stock would be reduced to 4 cars if it
was possible to re-organise stock working.
The Victoria - Gatwick Airport Rail Link was discussed, not a great deal of news on this at present. The advertisement
from British Heart Foundation was brought up by the Secretary, he had followed this up with a letter to Head Office.
They had replied and were making necessary enquiries.
The voting papers for the 1982 A.A.D. was dealt with it was proposed by Bro. F. Jenner and seconded by Bro. D.
That we vote for Bro. A. Allen of Tunbridge Wells.
The election of Officers was next on the agenda Officers for 1982 were elected as follows
Branch Chairman Bro. R. Taylor, Vice Chairman Bro. F. Jenner, Branch Secretary Bro. D. Roberts, Assistant
Secretary Bro. R. Taylor.
L.D.C. Chairman Bro. W. Arling, L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Tingley, Stand in Bro. D. Roberts.
Branch Auditors Bros L. Baldwin & P. Bowles
District Council Representative Bro. R. Taylor.
Trades Council Representatives Bro S. Tingley
Committee for 1982
Bros. D. Roberts, W. Arling, R. Taylor, S. Tingley, D. King, R. Chamberlain, E. Spray, A. Thompson & S. Spackman.
In the L.D.C. Report which followed. The 10 minutes extra signing on allowance was discussed. As from 4/1/82 only
certain numbered turns were allowed the extra time, in spite of lengthy meetings between management, L.D.C. and
Sectional Council. It was in the hands of Sub-committee. Sectional Council to thrash out our claim.
A.W.S. equipment recently fitted to many units brought complaints from members, this including deafening noise when
putting E.P. keys on and a high pitched whine whilst running. The latter attributing to bad adjustment of equipment.
Bro. R. Taylor gave his District Council report next. This included the new Federation of Unions, signal phones,
wallet system recently introduced and problem associated with reed type, track circuits. These were to be altered to
older more reliable systems.
Bro. E. Spray proposed a vote of thanks to Bro R. Taylor, this was seconded by Bro. S. Tingley.
In any other business which concluded the meeting, the loss of work to Eastbourne depot was brought up by Bro. E.
Spray. It was agreed this would be followed up.
The present dispute was discussed also the need for some form of Malgam dust to be on alway to car park, to
eliminate walking through puddles. This would be taken up by L.D.C. reps. also pot holes in yard drive to car park
and a length of rail which was well above ground level in the vicinity of car park.
It was agreed that a condition of service book be purchased for the Branch out of Branch Funds (minute 1/82).
Meeting closed 12.45.
Meeting May 23rd 1982
Commenced 10.15 close 12.30
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, R. Chamberlain, S. Spackman & D. King.
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. W. Arling. That the minutes
were read as a true record.
The question of yard lighting was discussed, this had been taken up by the L.D.C. it was now left that the cost of
lighting would be very expensive, the holes in the car par area and the removal of a length of rail in car park was in
the hands of the engineers.
In correspondence which followed it was proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. S. Spackman. That
the sum of £7.00 be drawn out of Branch Funds and sent to Hastings Trades Council for their Hastings
Unemployment Claimants Advice Centre. This would be resolution 3/82. It was also agreed that a sum of £1.62 be
contributed to Hastings Trades Council following on from their request for higher contribution 4p - 6p per member.
This was proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. W. Arling.
The voting paper for the International Workers Federation was dealt with. it was proposed by Bro. D. King and
seconded by Bro. R. Taylor. That Bro. D.J. Smith of Salisbury receive our Branch vote.
The question of union membership cards was discussed, owing to the lack of cards throughout our members. it was
proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. R. Taylor. That the Secretary order cards for all members to bring us
up to date.
Two of our drivers had been off sick that us there appeared to be no real hardship involved, a list would not be put up
for them.
After receiving a complaint from one of our members about cab windows not being cleaned in intermediate cabs, it
was decided to send a letter to A.D.M. to include all depots where units are cleaned. L.D.C. Secretary agreed to see to
In the L.D.C. report which followed the loss of work at Ore since 1968 was discussed. Bro. S. Tingley L.D.C.
Secretary outlined what had taken place since then, equalisation of mileage etc and non co-operation of Sectional
Council to put more work at coastal Depots.
Cross covering was brought up and Bro. S. Tingley outlined the position on this.
Strong complaints had been received from several members at Ore on the question of travelling by bus at the
completion of 468 duty on some Saturdays. Letter had been sent to A.D.M. over this. The L.D.C. agreed after a
lengthy debate, to closely watch alteration on Thursdays when performing L574 and to ask management for taxis
instead of buses for drivers on that duty.
The proposed closure of Ore Depot was brought up, nothing definite at present. The L.D.C. had already listed many
items with which to fight the case if the need arose.
Bro. R. Chamberlain proposed that a letter be sent to Branch Secretary N.U.P.E. wishing them success in their present
dispute. This was seconded by Bro. R. Taylor.
Meeting closed 12.30
Special Meeting July 6th 1982
Commenced 3.18 close 4.08
Members present (21) Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, E. Spray, R.Chamberlain, R. Scott, D. King, F. Jenner,
A. Christian, P. Bowles, J. Newett, D. Rodgers, A. Arnold, P. Hawkins, J. Gain, A. Thompson, J. Mould, E. Ball
& L. Baldwin.
Correspondence was read out relating to the R.S.N.T. No. 77 and other letters relating to the present dispute. a
discussion amongst the members followed. At the end of the this it was decided that a resolution be sent to Head
Office as follows.
That this Branch fully supports the action of the E.C. but our members feel that every effort should be made to bring
this dispute to an early conclusion with a satisfactory settlement.
This was proposed by Bro. J. Gain and seconded by Bro. R. Scott. voting for this proposal was 20 for with 1
It was also agreed that the Secretary should write to the T.U.C. and also to the local branch of the T.G.W.U.
complaining about the extra coaches being put on the road thereby having serious affect on our efforts to obtain a
good settlement.
It was agreed that a meeting would be held at 3.p.m. on Monday 12th July 1982, assuming the strike was still on.
Meeting closed 4.08 p.m.
Special Meeting July 12th 1982
Commenced 3.15 close 4.05
Members present (19) Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, J. Newett, J. Hoath W. Arling, E. Spray, R.Chamberlain, R. Scott, D. King, F. Jenner, A. Christian, R. Waghorne, S. Spackman, D. Rodgers, A. Arnold,
P. Hawkins, J. Gain, A. Thompson, J. Mould, E. Ball & L. Baldwin.
Also present Branch Secretary St. Leonards Depot
Bro. J. Wallis & Bro. D. Kurse of St Leonards.
The minutes of the last special meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. D. king and seconded by Bro. W. Arling.
That the minutes were read as a true record.
Latest correspondence was read at out and discussed, the question of the Hardship Fund money which had been sent
down from Head Office was discussed. This amounted to £108, it was proposed by Bro. J. Gain and seconded by Bro.
S. Tingley.
That this sum of money be kept for the time being.
This was voted on and everyone was unanimous.
Owing to the fact that a train have been taken out of the depot this morning the question of publicity was raised. After
discussion it was felt that we would not picket the depot.
Other items discussed by members concerning the present dispute were pensions and also the question of dismissal
notices which we understood were being prepared by management later to be issued to strikers.
It was agreed that we would meet again next Monday at 3 p.m., 19th July, 1982
Meeting closed 4.05 p.m.
Special Meeting July 16th 1982
Commenced 10.10 close 11.12
Members present (22) Bros. D. roberts, A. Thompson, J. Gain, F. King, W. White, E. Spray, R. Taylor, L. Baldwin,
P. Bowles, A. Christian, W. Arling, J. Hoath, A. Arnold, R. Scott, S. Spackman, D. Rodgers, R. Waghorne, J. Newett, E. Ball, S. Tingley, J. Mould, & P. Hawkins.
Also present Branch Secretary St. Leonards Depot Bros. J. Wallis, E. Gates J. Norris, P. Bates & D. Kurse of
St Leonards. & Bro. E. Rensham of Tunbridge.
The latest correspondence was read out relating to the present dispute, also details of the numerous phone calls which
the Secretary had received since our last meeting.
Minutes of the last Special Branch Meeting were read. It was proposed by Bro. J. Gain and seconded by Bro. S.
Spackman. That the minutes were read as a true record.
Many members expressed their opinions on this stage of the dispute. Bro. E. Rensham of Tonbridge spoke on the
details of the Branch Meeting held at Tunbridge and also of the general feeling of Tonbridge members.
After most members had expressed their views and concerns it was unanimously decided that we stand firm until our
next Special Meeting which would be on Monday 19th July 1982, 3 p.m.
It was proposed that the Secretary should contact Bro. A. Allen of Tunbridge Wells, our A.A.D. representative to see if
he could give a talk about the D.H.S. to members. The St Leonards branch, were also invited to attend this meeting. It
was agreed that the Secretary purchase some sellotape for his use.
Meeting closed 11.12.
Meeting September 26th 1982
Commenced 10.15 close 12.15
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, D. King, S. Spackman & A. Stratton.
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. S. Spackman. That the
minutes were read as a true record. In matters arising which followed, the future entrance of Ore yard was discussed
also the provision of car parking space for 25 vehicles at the western end of the yard. The yard entrance would be
north of Beaconsfield Road, this would also be used by ready Mixed Concrete lorries which were using the yard as a
Cab windows and cleaning thereof were discussed, the L.D.C. Secretary agreed to contact A.D.M. Brighton over the
provision of cleaning cab windows on the 10.02 Brighton to London Bridge service, 487 duty after a complaint by the
Branch Secretary, cross-covering was discussed, we were still to cry on as before with no cross-covering.
Correspondence was rad and discussed, most of this covered the recent dispute and flexible rosters.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. S. Tingley gave details of the new procedure of the electing L.D.C representatives, he was in fact due for re-
election at the end of this year. After discussing this he agreed to contact Chief Clerk Brighton for further clarification
to re-election.
The Brighton M.A.S. Scheme was discussed the question of route learning around Norwood - East Croydon area over
new tracks would have to be dealt wth. Talks on this indicated a form of teaching for all drives.
Flexible rostering were proving a headache for management, an emergency meeting over this for L.D.C.s was to be
held on Tuesday 28th September 1982. It was agreed after the discussion by embers present. that the L.D.C. would not
assist management in producing a new roster, we would let them produce one. We would also not allow them to “pad-
out” existing workings to make up the 312 hours per 8 week cycle. In the event of any problems, the meeting would be
adjourned to enable L.D.C. to contact Head Office for clarification.
No definite news on the closure of Ore Depot had been received although many rumours and other information
indicated this.
Members present had no resolutions for next years A.A.D. in spite of this being on the agenda.
In an other business which concluded the meeting it was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. S.
"That Bro. P. Bowles be removed from the position of No.2 Branch Auditor.”
It ws proposed and seconded by Bro. D. King.
“That Bro. S. Spackman should fill this position.
This was agreed unanimously.
Meeting closed 12.30
Meeting November 28th 1982
Commenced 10.05 close 12.40
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, D. King, R. Waghorne, E. Spray, S. Spackman,
A. Thompson, J. Newett & L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last A.G.M. were read, it was proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. W. Arling. That the minutes
were read as a true record.
In matters arising, the question of cab windows on the 10.02 Brighton - London Bridge service, 487 duty was again
raised also the general cab window cleaning. The berthing of diesel stock in No.5 road at Ore was again obscuring
lighting to car park and causing problems to staff. This would again be taken up by the Health and Safety Officer.
In correspondence which followed a letter had ben received by our A.A.D./T.U.C. delegate Bro. A. Allen of Tunbridge
Wells outlining a possible resolution over a secret ballot in the event of a further possible strike. It was proposed by
Bro. L. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley. That the resolution be sent to Head Office for inclusion in the 1983
A.A.D. a follows.
“Rule 30 - Strikes & Disputes Clause (1) ballot of the membership shall take place if time shall permit. In the event
that time shall not permit then the Executive Committee shall decide whether to withdraw members from their
This was voted 10 for and 1 against.
The nomination for the 1983 A.A.D. was dealt with next. It was proposed by Bro. E. Spray and seconded by Bro. S.
Tingley. That Bro. A. Allen of Tunbridge Wells be nominated for 1983.
The election of Officers was next on the agenda Officers for 1983 were elected as follows
Branch Chairman Bro. R. Taylor, Vice Chairman Bro. J. Newett, Branch Secretary Bro. D. Roberts, Assistant
Secretary Bro. R. Taylor.
L.D.C. Chairman Bro. W. Arling, L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Tingley, Stand in Bro. L. Baldwin.
Branch Auditors Bros L. Baldwin & A. Thompson
District Council Representative Bro. D Roberts.
Trades Council Representatives Bro S. Tingley
Committee for 1983
Bros. D. Roberts, W. Arling, R. Taylor, S. Tingley, D. King, R. Chamberlain, E. Spray, R. Waghorne & S. Spackman.
Bro J. Newett proposed a vote of thanks to the Secretary for the work he had done during the last year. This was
seconded by Bro. S. Tingley.
A lengthy debate followed after this on the question of the proposed depot closure which was to be May 1984. The
question of petrol allowance, staff trains, removals etc were all brought up. The L.D.C. confirmed that their main
priority was to keep the depot open. The question of approaching St. Leonards Depot L.D.C./Branch Secretary over
our joint problem was discussed. The electrification from Hastings - Tonbridge was still on the cards in the not too
distant future.
In the District Council Report which followed the 312 hours which were being worked over 6 months at depots where flexible rosters were worked was still causing problems.
At the T.U.C. Congress the question of the let down by the T.U.C. General Purpose and Finance Committee was raised with the delegate Bro. A. Allen.
We learnt that the Welfare section of B.R. was to closed down. It was agreed that a letter be sent to A.D.M. Brighton deploring this scion.
The question of men who worked during the dispute was raised, it had been decided to fine those members concerned.
In health workers dispute, poor response had been received from workers in the rail industry.
The question of one man operated trains in the St. Pancras - Bedford area.
Finally brought the District Council report to a close, resolutions agreed that the Secretary purchase a stapler and also pay Driver R. Scott £5.00 retirement grant.
Meeting closed 12.40.
Chairman R. Taylor
V. Chair J. Newett
Secretary D. Roberts
A.S.L.E.F. Members of Ore Branch
(These are just some of the names of the members of Ore Branch of A.S.L.E.F.)
C. Angel (19.5.1923), A. Arnold, W. (Bill) Arling, Eddie Ball, Laurie Baldwin, F. Beaney (14.07.24*, P. Bowles, Steve
Brentall, C. Brock (2.12.1918), H. Carey (22.2.1915), John/Jack Challoner, R. Chamberlain, A.Christian,
R. Clark, Cloke (), R. Denyer (3.4.1911), J. Fenner, J. Gain, A. Hall, J. Hawker, Peter Hawkins, Jack Hoath,
Hubert Hobden (15.5.1913), Dennis Hylands, F. Jenner, Dennis Judges, David King, C. Knight (), W. Knight (),
A.W. Lennard (24.7.1911), Ken Major, John Mould, James Newett, G. Philpott, Dennis Roberts, David Rodgers,
Samson, R. Scott, Steve Spackman, Spencer (), Ernie Spray, A. Stratton, R. Taylor, Arthur Thompson, Syd Tingley,
R. (Bob) Waghorne, C.J. Wiseman (17.3.1919), W. (Bill) White, Albert Wray, W. Wright, Wrisburgh,
* G. Beaney

The last Ore ASLEF Branch meeting 02.03.1986
Back Row Left ~Right :Eddie Ball, Bob Waghorne, Neil Milligan (ASLEF), Steve Brentall, Dennis Roberts.
Front Row Left~Right: John Mould, Bill Arling, Syd Tingley, Jack Hoath.
It is with sadness that we report the death of Ernie Spray at the age of 84.
In April he fell and broke four ribs and went steadily downhill thereafter, dying in hospital on 25 July. Ernie worked for 48 years ‘at the front end’, starting on 10 March 1941 as an engine cleaner at St Leonards. For his 48-hour week he earned £1/7-6 – which was 10 shillings a week more than he had been earning as an errand boy!
He progressed to firing and at 21 he started firing to driver Len Griffin on the Schools Class ‘Sherborne’ 906. This was to prove ‘the happiest three years of my life on the railway’. Ernie loved to recount his steam days. One anecdote was about the ‘races’ between the 5.15pm (‘King Arthur’ to Ramsgate) and the 5.18pm (‘Sherborne’ to Hastings) departures from Cannon Street until their ways parted at Chislehurst.
Steam gave way to diesel and there were many redundancies at St Leonards. Ernie opted for electrical work (but it was never as good as his days on the steam) and so worked out of Ore for 24 years reaching the top position of Leading Driver. Ore depot was closed in 1986 and the Ore and St Leonards depots were combined. Ernie then returned to St Leonards where he had started his railway career, to work the last 3½ years before his retirement, working both Central and South Eastern Division routes.
He was derailed once, on a cold and foggy New Year’s Eve in the early 1970’s. A crowbar had been placed on the line. A spell of bronchitis followed, the result of spending three hours out in the cold fog sorting it all out.
A lucky escape occurred on the day following the storm of 1986. He was alerted by the frantic waves of a passenger standing on the platform at Wivelsfield station (where he was not stopping) that a tree had just fallen on the line beyond the station. Thanks to this warning Ernie managed to dodge sideways in time just before the tree came through into the cab. The tree caught his hip – but it could have been so much worse.
Retirement for Ernie did not turn out as the relaxing time one expects. His beloved wife, Pamela, was in the early stages of Alzheimers and she continued to decline. Ernie cared for her devotedly, putting his own health in jeopardy, until she died in 2003 – the tragic end of a very happy 58 year marriage.
Ernie was through and through a Hastings man, born and bred. There wasn’t much about Hastings that he didn’t know. He loved gardening and spent many happy hours tending his garden. He was a life-long keen cyclist, cycling as much as he could to fit in with railway work. He continued to cycle until three hip replacements and muscle wastage in his shoulder caused him to stop – but he still kept in touch with the cycling fraternity. He was a long-serving committee member, helped out with marshalling races whenever he could and met up with the club at coffee stops when they were riding nearby.
I have written this in memory of my Dad of whom his family are very proud. We would like to thank all who ensured there was a good turnout at his funeral – testament to the fact that he was a very special gentleman, loved by all who knew him.
Fraternal Greetings to you all.
Linda Ireland - Ernie’s daughter.
Graham Court Collection
I am try to trace a poem that tells the good fortunes of Ore motormen/drivers. The poem makes reference to the high amount of mileage turns worked at the depot.
The large amount of mileage work at Ore made them the highest paid drivers depot on the Central Division. Every time they worked a train they where on mileage payments.
A phrase that come to my mind are on the lines "Watch us smile as we clock up the miles" or on the lines of that
Other phrase that may have been used are "So If you're fed up with being poor you had better move to Ore" or it might have been,"So if you want a bit more come to Ore"
Thanks to John Mould & Bob Waghorne for your help on this subject.
Somebody out there will be able to recall this poem line by line.

Ore Shed in 1990
Sussex Motorman:
The Hubert Hobden Memoirs Volume Two: 1935-1961 is published by Buggleskelly Books.
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